Hoping that the clinic give you something positive.If your berry gets any bigger you will need a wheelbarrow to push it around.
Thanks for sharing it with us and giving us all a giggle.I am like you and try to find something to laugh about.We were out for lunch on Sunday with friends (while in limbo waiting on results of a biopsy on a new lump) and my OH ordered pannacotta for desert ,well it came in two little mounds but one had a slash through the middle …just like my mast/recon side.I was in hysterics!
Love n hugs
Oh Theresa, how embarrassing for you. But maybe not as embarrassing as my friend, a fellow teacher, who on parents’ evening found herself face to face with a parent who also turned out to be the doctor she had seen at the sexually transmitted diseases clinic the previous evening!
Good luck with your appointment today, Debs.
Nearly died laughing at the postage stamp lady garden tale! Had a 50 something, sensibly dressed friend who was in a car accident; she was wearing saucy red suspenders at the time. She also had a hole in her coat pocket. A dishy A&E doc was examining her when she realised that her money had fallen through her pocket (all coins) into the crotch of her frilly knickers. The poor Doc had to go out of the room as he was trying not to laugh and her son, panicking that mum was in an accident came into the roomto witness his mum picking coins out of her thong…Scarred for life…
Wishing you lots of luck Debs xxx
Jane x
More lady garden tales. After my appendectomy one of the docs told me of a punky girl who had had to have the same op. She was fond of colouring her hair, and not just that on her head. When he had to shave her green nether regions, he left a little note apologising for having to mow the lawn.
Oh Deb, sorry, have been away for a little while but coming back to read your story had my crying with laughter, so so funny. I do hope that you can get your little ‘berry’ sorted to your satisfaction though
I accompanied my mother (we are more sister / sister than mother / daughter) to a clinic for her to get help with painful sex, which was really getting her down when she had a nice new fella. Well, we nearly had hysterics when the Doc handed her a little glass item and said she needed to insert it to stretch the whole area again after a long absintance. Jokes about born again virgins were flying around, then my Mum looked at it and said ‘but what if it pops up there and I can’t get it out again’ I fell about. Poor Doc was mortified at our behaviour, and you would have thought he has ‘seen’ it all!!!
Anyway, it all got sorted and did the trick for her, plus gave us something to laugh about to this day.
Good luck hun and hugs from me
Oh my goodness…
What a lot of reading and laughing I have just done…
Debs I think your just showing off, you’ll be growing an
apple tree next…
New dress from Monsoon bought with plenty of accessories and two pairs of shoes, heels and flats…
huge hole in the plastic and a very big smile on my face.
Thanks girls you were so right!!!
Debs, I hope that all went well on Friday with the muga etc and you are now armed with Vinorelbine and it is going better than your last Taxol. However, I wait with bated breath to hear the outcome of BerryGate. Has it grown? What is it? Has it started talking to you yet? (like How To Get Ahead in Advertising?) and are any of the attractive gynaes in your hospital single, perchance?
Loved the postage stamp story. Have you heard the one about the woman who had a quick bush trim before gynae appointment, ran late dropping child off at play group en route & arrived a bit sweaty, so popped to loo for a quick wipe? Male Dr said said something like “My, my, we have made an effort today” as he examined her which struck her as slightly odd. When she had her bath that night she found that her foof was sprinkled all over with her kid’s glitter that had somehow spilt in her handbag and wormed its way into the very tissue she’d grabbed for the wipe. Always check your tissues!
Well I have done the glitter tissues several times. We make our Christmas cards and I usually end up with glitter all over the place will make sure I don’t highlight my ‘berry’
I had my Muga scan on Friday steroids had helped so was able to start vinorelbine. Four tablets taken under supervision of nurse. As I have no veins it was decided to apply for tablets which is good bu then you are told to go to Dr’s surgery to have bloods done on the day before. Well I don’t think I am going to let nurse who could not fine a vein 5 years ago go digging in now, when we know I am down to last vein standing. So I will be going to clinic on Fridays to have bloods wait and then take tablets. Nurse said Sister B did think I may want to change plans once they were explained to me!
Not got results of muga yet and the ‘berry’ situation is getting bigger by the day. I always were matching panties and bra(of the tarty lacy variety) so berry is getting stuck in lacy bit. It has grown and is more gooseberry size now! Think I will go to A&E when it gets plum size.
I have been knocked out all weekend sickness under control mind you there have been a couple of yuck moments, but as long as it works and gives me more time I will cope.
When we had to cancel out anniversary trip to France we went to stay with my youngest daughter Donna-Marie and James they announced they were expecting their first baby BUT we were sworn to secrecy. You cannot imagine how hard that was for me I wanted to shout it from the forumand post on all the active threads but I was good.
D-M’s dad died when she was 4 years old and she has grown up very black/whte has none of the gray that we can have to cloud us. At the moment her and James are in Rome so she rang to say she and Bean had been blessed by tho Pope. So I have told my onc there is no way he can lose me now I have to be here to welcome our little Bean in February. ‘Brian’ did say he had no intention of losing me so fingers crossed.
Thank you all for your fruit salad jokes. Dreading meeting handsome Dr.
Love Debsxxx
Hi Debs, Lovely to read your post and glad you had the vinorelbine, I have been logging on since Friday to hear how it had gone. Is ‘Brian’ your onc? and I hope you get the ‘berry’ sorted soon.
What wonderful news about your grandchild, is it the first? I have 4, age ranging 8 to 13 and it is the desire to see them grow that keeps me going.
Hope you begin to feel the treatment working soon.
Love Lesley xx
So good to see your post Debs. You sure do know how to tell 'em!
So glad you’ve been able to have the vinorelbine and really hope it works for you and you get some relief from all your recent woes. That sounds really trite but you know what I mean - we just want to hear about all your antics again and hope that you will feel more yourself and not like a prisoner in your own home.
So thrilled to hear about your future grandchild! Feb’s a cool month to be born in and you’re definitely sticking around - it’ll be my 40th then too!
Really hope they sort out your berry before it bears more fruit!
Big hugs Debs,
Take care,
Anne xxxx
Hi Debs,
Great news your gonna be a Granny…
I am really pleased to read this,
Congratulations to all.
I am pleased you got your drugs and I hope it gets a little easier for you.
Keep taking the steriods they do make a difference.
Waiting in anticipation to hear what fruit you are bearing…
Love Tess.X
Oh a grandchild - I want one of those.! Definately don’t want to pop my clogs before I get one.
Well as we seem committed to this fruit comparison, cherries, berries, gooseberries - I just wondered whether apples or melons will start to feature, or even worse (bearing in mind we’ve just had a balloon fiesta in this part of the country), whether we might see Debs slowly start to float upwards? Perhaps Debs you ought to start wearing weights around your ankles?
Oh btw - absolutely agree with AnneS there’s nothing like a Pisces child, sensitive, creative, intelligent - I could go on…and on…and on!
Glad you are feeling better Debs, and I hope you can make the meet up tomorrow.
Actually I’m an Aquarius Celeste being born before 20th Feb but we’re also highly intelligent,creative,sensitive souls!! Have lots of good friend who are Pisceans too!! x
Donna-Marie was born 20th Feb and we have always said she is a Pisces and that is when Bean is due. You are a warm loving funny lot but boy do you know your own mind plus expensive shoes and handbags come with the territory.
Love Debsxxx
Hi Debs
I am really please to see you got your chemo and hope that it works out well for me. Are you still on avastin or has that stopped now?
Congratulations on the news about the baby that’s fab!
It’s the things like that, that help drive us all on and give us all hope. Wanting to see my 10 and 7 year old girls grow for as long as possible is where I get all my strength from, it’s only when I get under the dark cloud that makes me think that I won’t that makes me freak!!
Hope you feel better soon with the new treatment.
Speak to you soon
Diane xx
Hi Diane,
I feel so insensitive please forgive me I did not forget that others have young ones to see through life sorry…
I have been taken off avastin it was my choice I think for me it had run its course I could not do anymore taxol it was working still but at a lower speed. My big problem is the breathing thing so I hope this will improve I had a muga scan so I will find out on Friday if all is well.
Hope you are keeping well I need to catch up on some of the threads as I have been asleep for 2 days.
Love Debsxxx
Great news on the new arrival!
Wonder what size the berry will be by February?
Take care,
Fantastic news on the forthcoming arrival and on the Vinorelbine, Debs - really pleased for you on both counts. Hope the effects of the chemo aren’t too awful this time and that you can enjoy some good QOL.
I aim to see grandchildren too - probably a bit over-optimistic but you never know, I have to aim high! Right now am feeling very low for a variety of reasons but this thread has cheered me up.
Take care Debs
Lesley xx
Best of luck on chemo and congratulations on te new arrival.
Jane x
Hi Debs
Congratulations on your baby news + getting the chemo. As for the other ‘fruit of your loins’ - I hope it ripens and drops off!"
I’m having a muga next Monday, not sure what to expect so if you have any useful tips, do let me know.