Devastated BC is back

Hi Gingerbud, EXCELLENT news on the scan so pleased for you.


Hi Poppet and Gingerbud,

Just wanted to say that you must be so relieved, Tina, after your scan. Excellent, positive news after your awful, negative onc’s comments you told us about. Poppet, hope you’re OK.

Love Sarahx

Thanks alot ladies :slight_smile: Think I was due a bit of good news. Hope you are all ok x
poppet hope you’re coping ok? Any news today or are they leaving you to sweat over the wkend? Got everything crossed 4u :slight_smile:
love tina xx

my best friend had breast cancer in march 2009 grade 3, she had a lumpectomy followed by 6 months of invasive chemo and 17 days radiotherapy,she has not been properly well since this,she said she still has pain in the breast where the cancer was,to cut a long story short she has been diagnosed this week with grade 3 breast cancer again and is having a bone scan on monday has this happened to anyone else im dreading the outcome for her .

Hello Scoobydo

Sorry to hear about your friends news, I posted the original thread, I’ve now started on Chemo again and I’m hoping and praying that this time round it does the trick.

My CT scan didn’t show any apparent spread (which is the best news I could of hoped for) I’m praying this is the same for your friend, they may suggest a mastectomy if she had a lumpectomy last year and further chemo, its a daunting operation but as with everything associated with this disaease you somehow get through it.

Your support and love will help your friend get through this.