Diagnosed 15th feb

Hi, I’m 54 and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer with some suspicious cells in lymph glands. Surgery planned for 13th march to remove the lump and some glands followed by radiotherapy. I’ve never used forums before. I’m unsure what questions to ask.

Hi Carolanne,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. In addition to support from other forum users here you may find our helpline and the following information links useful, you will find further support ideas from BCC and lots of information which you may find helpful over the coming months:

Helpline 0808 800 6000 open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2-please feel free to call for support, information and a listening ear

Search Results | Breast Cancer Now

Breast Cancer Now | The research and support charity

With best wishes,

Anna, BCC Facilitator

Hi Carolanne
Make BIG list of questions and get answers from the oncologist and/or your breast nurse… there is no such thing as a stupid question!!! Write down the answers so you read them at home, have a think, then ring the clinic if you need more explanation and info.
You should already have a big info pack from your clinic - if not order one from this site. It starts you off and triggers questions to ask.
You may want to ask…
when do I get results of surgery?
when will rads start?
do I need chemo?
if I loose my hair, how do I get a wig?
what exercises will I need to do after op?
how should I take care of my wound?
and keep using this forum cos there is oodles of info here
all the very best

Grumpy’s said it all so I can only agree and add that the phone helpline people are fantastic, patient and can offer explainations in words we can all understand.
Do use this site for info but beware thw www in general as there are a lot of pages that may not be accurate or relevant to uk medicine.
I’m so sorry you find yourself needing to use this site but hope you find as much support and friendship here as I have.
Good luck and big hugs,

Had my lumpectomy and auxiliary clearance of lymph nodes on 13th March. 4 out of 11 were found to be infected also vascular invasion around the lump. Rads been postponed as oncologist hands recommended 6 doses of FEC-T. Had first chemo on 18th of April. Anyone got any ideas on how long after chemo finished rads will start. Have a meeting with oncologist on 3rd of may, I will ask the question then but meantime any help would be appreciated.

Carolanne xx