Diagnosed 2 days ago...

Hi, I’ve been reading posts and comments and it’s wonderful to feel the support given and received here!


I’m diagnosed with grade 2 but awaiting an MRI and further biopsy on lymph node to find out if it’s 2a or 2b. Although I’ve been told I’m Estrogen and Progesterone negative. Given the fact that 2 aunts (from both sides of the family) had breast cancer, I’m afraid that I may have Triple negative breast cancer ?


I’m all over the place at the moment, going through mood swings but hoping that I’m overthinking… I’m a few days away from being 46, never thought at this age I’d be going through this. Hope everyone feels better than I am at this point ??? 

Hi there it’s has it’s up and downs but that’s ok, just need to except that the feelings are normal. I had two ops since being diagnosed in feb and start chemo in a few weeks followed by radio therapy and hormone therapy. I have had a few wobbly days, normally worse when I’m at the hospital as it feels so much more real then. Sometimes I forget and suddenly remember and it stops me In my tracks. I hope your getting lots of support through this new journey. Vic xxxx


I was diagnosed in November 2018 with Estrogen and Progesterone positive her 2 positive bc.I had chemo followed by a lumpectomy and 7 lymph nodes removed earlier this month.


I can honestly say the hardest part is the beginning waiting for tests to happen and to start on your journey back to full health.I filled my time when I was waiting with learning about what I could do to help myself  - food and exercise - it made me feel like I wasn’t completely helpless.







Hello.  You are in shock, we all remember it, and when someone new comes on to the Forum, and we can ‘feel’ their shock and panic we all remember exactly what it is like.


Too much information, not enough information, appointments coming in from different directions, things moving too slowly, things moving too fast . . . . . please let yourself have some time for that shock, and then day by day things will fall into place, and you will start to feel more in control.


You need never be alone with your worries  -  we’re all here for each other, sometimes we drift away for awhile, but it’s a safety net for all of us who have ever been given a breast cancer diagnosis.  Hugs aplenty x