Diagnosed 2 Weeks Today and Would Welcome Support

Hello Everyone

Two weeks today I got the news none of us ever wants to hear.

The past fortnight has been a huge rollercoaster of emotions, tests and appointments, but I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that!

I have a strong family history of BC and have been on a mamogram screening process because of this, but unfortunately this did not pick up what I have always been dreading :smileysad:

Am so fortunate to have amazing support from family and friends and finally starting to feel stronger and more positve. I am due to have an op beginning of September, but have been given so many options that my head is spinning.

I know every case is different and it is down to individual choice as to which treatmeant you have, but would welcome any advice anyone is willing to share. Have been reading some of the posts on here and it seems that you are an amazing support network and I have found the right place to be :wink: xxx