Hi, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer and unfortunately a tiny bit has been found in my lymph nodes. Because of the Christmas holidays I have not been seen or given my treatment plan yet. I have been told by my Breast Cancer Care nurse that with the results from the biopsies taken that I am going to be fine as everything is the way it should be. My lump is 1.5cm and the cancer is small. The thing that has hit me the hardest is that I need to have chemo, I am not afraid it is just the unknown and how it is going to affect me. Telling people has been hard, as soon as I mentioned chemo they have looked at me as if I was going to die which I know I am not, this has been a but upsetting. Of course I get that 1 time out of 100 where I do think what if but with the positive results from the biopsies and how small the lump is I need to remind myself that I am going to be ok as well as the Breast Cancer Care Nurse telling me that this time next year I will be back to my normal self. My husband is trying to be a tower of strength but he is breaking up inside, he keeps thinking that he is going to lose me and trying to convince him that I am going no where is sometimes like hitting my head off the wall. I have a bone scan on Wed and a meeting with my consultant on Thursday where hopefully I will be given my treatment plan, as far as I know I will be getting chemo before surgery. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. xx
Hi Tracy and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sure your fellow users will be along with support for you very soon and In addition, our helpliners are back on hand for you this Friday 9-5 and Sat 10-2 on 0808 800 6000 so please feel free to call for some extra support
Here’s a link to the BCC treatments information and support which I hope you will find helpful:
Take care
Lucy BCC
Hi Tracy
I’m so sorry you’ve received this news and just before Christmas too. I am sure you will feel a bit clearer in your mind once you have your treatment plan.
Be kind to yourself and your husband, neither of you can keep it together all the time and its ok to panic at times.
You will get lots of support here and ask any questions.
Take care.
Hi lovely, its crazy stuff isnt it. My man told me he didnt want to lean on me as i have enough to carry. I have tried explaining it works better when we share.
I’m slated for chemo in january some time.
Was sitting here feeling rubbish after such a late night, contemplating whats ahead when my 11year old strolled into the room and told me that if I expected the worst, when it was bad…but not that bad…it would seem ok. Apparently it just popped into her head.
Out of the mouths of babes.
Sucks big time and the timing of your diagnosis is Really blah.
I was supposed to have chemo first, but my biopsies got the wrong side of the tumour so it got switched. I had a single mastectomy and sentinel nodes on the 12th, grade 3 no spread, but am her2+ so chemo next.
My advice is keep reading here and posting no matter how you feel as we’re all walking a similar path, some ahead, some just beginning, but theres no need for brave faces and lots of room to vent.
I’ve met such amazing people here, and so much good humour and real information.
Xxx sending love
Getting such news is never easy but just before xmas is extra not nice! Just take each day as it comes and let it all out when you need to. Once you have a treatment plan you will have that to focus on. The early days are surreal as you come to terms with what is happening to you. I send you positive thoughts and remember this is a great place to come and share how you feel. X
Hi Tracy, so sorry to hear you’ve joined us here (only been here a week or so myself) but I can’t tell you how wonderful the members are, just an unbelievable level of support, information and wisdom.
I struggled with telling my friends and family too and, although my family have been totally brilliant, I’ve been surprised by the reaction of some of my friends. A couple of them got so upset I ended up having to comfort them and downplay the diagnosis. One decided that if she didn’t mention it to me and ignores every reference to it that I make, perhaps it might not be happening. Others still have turned it into a drama with themselves as the star performer (sorely tempted to ask them if they’d like to take on the diagnosis too…) I was a bit hurt by that initially but I have to remind myself that it is a shock for them too and they need a bit of time to adjust.
Like you I’m still waiting for my treatment plan (curses on that pesky Christmas break!) but I’m told it will seem easier once we know what will be happening.