Diagnosed 28/11

Hi all, I have just been diagnosed with BC, and am feeling somewhat shell shocked, it was from a routine mammogram, I can’t take in that I have this as I am a fit and healthy person (or so i thought), I am going through a lot of different emotions at the moment, the main one is disbelief. I am meeting with  the surgeon tomorrow to discuss the next step and the reconstruction. I have been ready a lot of posts here and feel that i have joined a new club!!



Hi Val

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.

To help you along I have put for you below the links to a couple of BCC’s publications you might find helpful.  Also if you need to talk to someone in confidence then please don’t hesitate to call our helpline, the staff are here to support you through this.  Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2.



Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Welcome Nelliealice and sorry that you have had to join us…
I think we all have felt that same shock but you will get a lot of useful information here and will fast become an expert in medical terms you didn’t know existed.! You will also make some great friends.
Good luck with the surgeon today. At least things seem to be moving quite quickly for you.
Keep us posted.
Maggie x

Hi nelliealice,

Its a club with the best members. 

This is the place where we all know how you feel.  I got my lump checked 6 weeks ago and hopefully tomorrow will get a full diagnosis at last. 

Maggie59 is right about a whole new set of medical terms,  lots of them.  

This site is Brilliant for understanding what they mean.  Google is bad and scary.

Here I’ve found wonderful supportive women and sharing the good, the 

bad and the Hilarious has made it so much easier to deal with.

Sending love

Be kind to yourself,  its pretty tiring making sense of it all



Hi Val - I was diagnosed on 20th Nov and like you felt fit and healthy… its a huge shock so take your time and you are not on your own. Karen x

Hi everyone

I’m not good with computers and fumbling my way through but so glad I found you all. Just been diagnosed and feeling a bit spaced out. Can’t sleep so up reading all the comments. They’re very helpful. Thanks



Hi yogijay and welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support and shared experiences you will find here please feel free to also call our helpliners for practical and emotional support. Lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Here’s a link to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ information where you will find further support ideas such as ‘Live chat’ and ‘Someone like me’ which I hope you will find helpful during this worrying time for you:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi yogi
You will find such great support and info on here. Depending on your diagnosis there are a few different places to look. Whatever, happenS DONT GOOGLE and feel free to ask any questions on here.

All the ladies are incredibly supportive and we are all in this together