diagnosed 3 days ago

I’m still in shock…haven’t told anyone and been working my usual 24hr support worker shifts.

I feel like i’m going mad and no one is going to realise how scarey it is if i tell them. or worse my family will worry themselves sick. i’m single and feel so alone.


everyone else seems to know the initials of there condition…i wasn’t told or shown…no writing…how do people know what it’s called? i can just about remember that it is cancer grade 1 and the lump…no i’ve forgotten how big it is but it is small. it’s slow growing.


they want a lumpectomy and raditation and i want a masectomy and will not accept toxic treatment.


can i find local groups? i remember my sister formed friendships with a group of women in the same position but - i can’t quite work out how she did that…


if anyone else has just found out, and are confused or would like to chat i am free for a couple of hours and happy to email, or call or just chat here…

lyla (i’m using a fake name incase my sister recognises me)

Hello Lyla

Welcome to the forums.  I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, the first few weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with your diagnosis and treatment.
As well as the support you will receive on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-


You may also like to talk things through with one of the helpline staff, they are there to offer emotional support as well as provide information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open again on Tuesday and normal hours are 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.

You may also like to use oue private message system (PM) where you can communicate privately with other users of this site.  To use the private message system you can do it two ways, one by clicking on the messages tab at the top right of this page (near the sign out button) this takes you to your private message area and where you can search for the user you are looking for - using their user name.  Alternatively if you click on the icon of the user you want to send a private message to (within a thread)  this will take you into their profile and then there’s a link from there for you to send a private message

Best wishes

June, moderator