Diagnosed 5/12/14 but further testing to other breast

Hi, I am new to the forum. I was diagnosed with invasive ER+ tumour to my right breast. It’s non HER2, which they tell me is ‘good’ news. So far, from my scans, the lymph nodes look ok. I have been offered a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy,  or have a  mastectomy with reconstruction. They said I will need hormone therapy afterwards too. 


However, the game changer is that they found calcifications on my left breast. I went straight for another core biopsy and mammogram. The results have come back ‘inconclusive’ and also found fat necrosis. The consultant said the fat necrosis does not explain the calcifications. I am back tomorrow for a further core biopsy.


I am just turned 43, in North Yorkshire, and feel I cannot make a decision about which surgery to have until the diagnosis is complete for the left side, I have been OK in myself, holding it together for my kids (10 and 13) and husband has been wonderful. I am lucky to have a great breast care nurse and medical team, who I trust completely. My Mum had DCIS / Mastectomy 6 years ago at the age of 62 and is fine now.


Lots to take in isn’t there? Anyways, I look forward to getting to know some of you over the coming months. So far, there’s some great advice on here. Thanks ladies,


Hello Dove805

Welcome to the forums.  I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, this must be a very difficult time for you.

As well as the support you will receive on the forums you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of the helpline staff, they are there to offer emotional support as well as provide information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.

Best wishes       

June, moderator

Hi there …sorry you’ve joined our band of sisters …you are probably feeling so worried at the moment and nothing anyone says or does seems to help. Just be assured your not alone and like your Mum you’ll be fine. I was diagnosed 5 months ago today …surgery and treatment all over and already I have days when I don’t think about having cancer. Family no longer treat me like I’m precious ! Same old Same old ! It will change you in many ways but not all the changes are bad. I’ve learnt to stop and smell the roses more. Take care; be gentle with yourself and let us know how you get on xx Thanks

Hi dove808


Reading your post I know that you have had a lot to take in and a few decisions to be made. I hope by now that you have had your diagnosis on your left breast, and that you have been able to make the decision that is right for you regarding surgery and any treatment if needed.


Best wishes Dee