Diagnosed a couple weeks ago

I have been diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma. I have been so tense and stressed out. I had been having my annual mammograms and nothing showed until I felt the lump in breast in April. Since then it has been waiting and waiting for more testing and finally I’m meeting with my cancer care team on Tuesday. I feel pains everywhere and think I’m dying. Yesterday at work I experienced for the first time a panicked attack. I did not know what was happening to me and thought I was having a heart attack or stroke. The ambulance was called since I had my blood pressure very high. Has anyone any tips on how to control this feeling. Thanks.

Cruzita, I really feel for you. Everyone on this forum has experienced these feelings, so you are in good company here. Firstly , this is an extraordinary time for you, and you need to just take one day at a time, and one step at a time. Stress will naturally raise your blood pressure, and it’s the unknown that is awful. You have your diagnosis, so you’re on your way. The next step is your pathway. You can have an input to this. Get a notebook and write down questions. A bit of a diversionary tactic, this one. Also, I found it useful to write a diary and get it all out . Remember this is a marathon you’re engaged in, not a sprint. So you need to take the very best care of yourself . Look at your diet and make it as healthy as possible. Some foods help your treatment, so check those out. Exercise also helps. You need 30 mins walking a day which will help keep your mind engaged. If you have a Maggies centre near you you have a place for support and exercise. There are lots of downloadable leaflets on here that are really helpful, but I would advise you not to google. Please remember that BC is very treatable now, and the success rates are excellent. It’s useless telling you not to worry, because it’s natural you will and you are. Instead get your battle plans laid, make your mind up that this is treatable and beatable, because it is. Sending you strength. X

Thank you, I am trying to have a positive attitude. My family is very supportive and am trying some relaxation techniques to help with panic attacks.

Cruzita, I remember the feelings you describe so well. This is the hardest part with all the waiting to know what’s going to happen but you will feel better once you have a treatment plan in place. Your imagination is probably going to be a lot worse than the reality. I’m about 16 months post-treatment and feeling generally pretty well. You will overcome this.


I would say don’t be afraid to ask for help from your GP with regards to your emotions at this time. I was prescribed beta blockers in the run up to my surgery and they really helped.


Stick around here as there is lots of support from lots of lovely people here.


Ruth xx

Thank you so much for your encouragement. It really helped to hear from others with the same problems. After my panic attack yesterday I was so embarrassed that I asked my coworkers to call the ambulance . I was taken to the ER. I thought I was having a heart attack. Thank you

Hi this is such a difficult and worrying time.


I still challenged with anxiety but find the following helps;


See GP to discuss


Valerian herb, or Kalms do really work and safe to take


Lavender oil in oil burner or on tissue, or just breathe from bottle.


Chamomile Tea, can be found with lavender too.


Write feelings in a journal of this journey


Buy a notebook only used for all hospital, medical visits, write questions and what they say as its so easy to forget the details when so worried. The doctors are used to this and happy to answer all questions.


Breathe, deeply, slowly for a minute or two


I find having several strategies is helping me. I do meditation and relaxation but when there is so much incertainty its hard to concentrate so having a little soothing tea, or breathing scent of oil, writing down my worries offloads them a little.


We all been on this journey and have felt same feelings, I have found this site so supportive.


Take care :slight_smile: