Diagnosed breast cancer grade 2 HELP.

Thanks ann I really should go as wasn’t in the best frame of mind before all this! I’m just reluctant to be on loads of tablets. Tgregory I got told I was er positive on the day of diagnosis though it took me a few days to remember and find out what it was via this forum. Am sure they should know by now. Try speaking to your bcn xx

I only knew my type because they had written it on the front of my breast cancer care leaflet - they didn’t discuss it, they just said you have treatable and curable BC and my face must have looked blank and they said ‘bog standard BC’ - the common one! Suppose it made me understand it better. So maybe you too have bog standard! ?

I too had other areas of malignancy and didn’t have a biopsy as i said to them what’s the point if it’s going to come back positive? They agreed and i had a mastectomy - results came back with 10 areas ? but it has all been removed and lymph nodes were clear. I had no further treatment and just on Tamoxifen. Back at work now x

Mammo 22nd Nov (trial for under 50’s!) ?
Recall 15th Dec for USS and biopsy
MRI 22nd Jan (that found all the other tiny bits)
Mastectomy 1st Feb

My other 9 areas ranged from 0.5mm to 6mm and of course the mother 17mm ?

I had my lymph nodes removed at time of mastectomy and was also told radiotherapy maybe needed but when the results came back i didn’t need it

Yes went back 8 weeks post surgery - i’m only part time so wasn’t too bad x