Diagnosed breast cancer what a shocker!

Two and a half weeks ago I found a small lump and next day rang the surgery who booked me in with the nurse practitioner that same day. She felt the lump agreed it was there but she thought it was most certainly a cyst. She referred me to breast clinic to have it checked out.

Two weeks later I went to clinic and the Dr examined the area she said she thought it was a cyst however after the mammogram it all changed and they knew it wasn’t a cyst. They took several core biopsies? And i was told there and then it was cancer and i would need mastectomy chemo and possibly radiotherapy.

I have been for my second appointment yesterday where they confirmed i have a 6cm multi focal T1-T2 Grade 3 Ductal carcinoma. No lymph involvement that they can tell so far.

Hi how are you coping now you know your results?hope that you could take in all the information you needed to know.it’s so hard at the beginning but things move quite quickly so you will soon be rid of the nasty cells.use your breast care nurse for anything you need explaining.are you going to try and go to the event at telford?I’m sure it would be very helpful to you and there are so few events like this in Shropshire.take care and best wishes.I’m wearing pink today.didi x

Thanks Didi,

I’m not sleeping too well at the moment though last night wasn’t too bad after the appointment. I keep getting waves of anxiety at times but the tears have stopped and I feel more positive. Thought I was going to have to sell the horses which every time i thought about that burst into tears so that plan is on hold for now and will just see how it goes as they are what get me through everyday life so I will need them to get me through this!!

Hi Brewster sorry to hear you have been diagnosed too. Yes I found the first few days pretty grim. I have a date for surgery 5th December but they are going to try and bring it forwards. Then chemo after