diagnosed came out of the blue.. num and scared

Hi All, Im soo pleased I found this community. Last week I was seen at a breast clinic for pains in my left breast, doctor examined and it was diffused pain from rib cage, so all good then, BUT she checked the other breast, which my doctor had checked and not found anything, and an hour later I had had 3 biopcies taken from breast and 2 from nodes, and told that I it wasnt looking good, my world has just fallen apart, Im num and very very scared. I have an appoitment tomorrow at the hospital to get the results, I suppose that will be the start of my “cancer journey” , I have no family history of it, it had not even crossed my mind.  I have been keeping busy and trying to prepare myself for tomorrow, but its hard, hard not to think the worse. 

It has helped me to read the posts of here, and as I see mentioned a lot, treatment has come a long way, I just need tomorrow to come.

Dear Sarah50

I’m sorry that you’re going through a difficult time.

It’s good that you found our Forum and I am pleased to read you have already found it helpful. There are many supportive people on this Forum, and I hope you continue finding it beneficial.

I understand who have an appointment tomorrow. If before then you’d like to speak to one of our breast care nurses, you can call us on freephone 0808 800 6000 - they’re there until 4pm today, then they’re on again tomorrow at 9am. If you want to chat about anything, please don’t think twice - we’re here and very happy to help.

Sending you our love and warm thoughts ahead of tomorrow’s appointment.


Hi Sarah

I’m so sorry you’ve found yourself here but (perversely) what good luck. Pain isn’t usually a symptom and I was puzzled at the start of your post, thinking I might need to change my ideas. I too went with an untypical symptom and came away reeling with shock. But what would things have been like for both of us had we not had the good fortune to get thoroughly examined (I’d even got a clear mammogram in my records!).

Well, here I am 19 months later, cancer-free. I just want you to know that, although none of it is pleasant, it’s all manageable. Try to ignore your preconceptions - we all experience things differently and you just don’t know how straightforward or how difficult things will be. So please keep an open mind for now. Also, PLEASE don’t use Dr Google. You’ve got loads of questions and, if you’re like me, there will always be something else you meant to ask. You will have a breast care nurse you can ring, the nurses on the phone lines here are brilliant and, if you aren’t in a rush, people in the forums will share their experiences and opinions. Each of us is human and understands a person lies behind the question, a person with emotions and huge stress. Google doesn’t care about that and, I can tell you from personal experience, the information can be terrifying out of the context of your unique experience. Best avoided no matter how strong the temptation.

I wish you all the best and hope your results are encouraging. Even if they aren’t, remember, there are thousands of us moving through the forums and we’ve all got through it. Best of luck x

Hi Sarah - a big hug and welcome to the forum, which is a wonderful place to get support and helped me so much, but I’m so sorry you find yourself here. I’d agree with everything Jaybro says, especially about avoiding Dr Google. I read in a book that was recommended to me on here that “Thoughts are NOT facts”. At the moment I’m sure your mind has gone into overdrive and you are planning for the worst. Easier said than done, but try not to let your mind race ahead. The waiting and uncertainty is the worst time, and the news may not be what you are expecting. But if your fears are confirmed, then very quickly a treatment plan will be put in place and oddly once you have a plan it’s somehow easier to deal with.

As you said, it’s a really good idea to take a notebook and pen with you as the appointment may well pass in a total blur. I imagine that you aren’t allowed to take anyone with you because of Covid? Maybe even ask your doctor if you can record the appointment - someone suggested that to me, but I never remembered to do it!

I am sending hugs and strength to you as you wait and go for your appointment, and do come back and let us know how you get on - if you want to and feel like it. Evie xx