Hi everyone. As the title says, diagnosed with ductal bc 2 days ago, on the unlucky 13th. Came as a total shock. Thought it was fat necrosis after a breast injury a few months ago. Boy was I wrong. I am 46, married with 2 boys aged 13 and 9. Seen at Breast clinic on 2 week wait referral triple tests done and results back 2 weeks from when I first saw GP. So here we are.
Now waiting MRI date, then they have to meet and decide plan. All this waiting is hard.We can’t sleep, its all we think about.
I know what I want, double mastectomy no reconstruction. I have no boobs now, well tiny 34b and often go bra less at home and in summer in strappy dresses. My problem will be convincing consultant to do it or I assume it will be. BC is in my right breast, they think 1.5cm.
Went through this with my Mum 3 years ago. She had ductal and globular, one in each breast. She was 77 and opted for double mx no recon. I went to all her appointments with her from start to finish, I decided then and there that is what I would do if it was me. So my decision isn’t made out of panic this week, it is thought through and will give me piece of mind so we as a family can move on with life.
What chance do you think that they will say yes to my request? Sorry for the long post
Hi Raitchr,there are a couple of threads on the forum about this issue .What I have gathered from talking to ladies considering this is that the medics will not do this without you having some sort of "counselling "/assessment as it is a big decision and they need to be sure you are making an informed decision and not regret this at a later date .All the best Jill.
Hi Raitchr
Sorry you find yourself here, but it’s a great place for support - sounds as though you have things pretty straight in your mind though, which is a great start 
I had a 1cm invasive grade 3 tumour in my right breast in July last year. I decided from the outset that I wanted a double mastectomy - my mum had also had BC 17 years ago but unfortunately died.
My original consultant did try to talk me out of it, but I remained firm and wrote down all my reasons for making the decision. I was referred to another surgeon who couldn’t have been more supportive. I did have to have a psychological assessment which I think is quite normal, but the operation went ahead at the end of August and I definitley still think it was the right decision for me.
It’s worth mentioning, although I’m sure you already know, that a lumpectomy plus radiotherapy is just as effective as a mastectomy. Be very clear about your reasons for wanting the operation.
Thank you both for your replies. I have given it much thought and thank you for advice on staying firm with choice. I am prepared to go privately if the NHS fails me. I have discussed again with my husband tonight and he supports my decision. He wants me to have a better chance of living to see our boys grow up and knows I will not move on from the stress if have lumpectomy and waiting for the all clear only to have to go back for more ops. I know mx isn’t 100% but we see that it can improve my chances.We want to get on with life and not have to go through this horrible time again.
We will sit together and will write our thoughts in a statement to discuss with Consultant. Still waiting for Mri etc so frustrating in the time wasting when this is growing in my breast like a ticking time bomb.
I am finding it difficult to go through this,my work colleague died from cancer on NY eve, started in breast and went everywhere. I would have seeked her advice at this time but I can hear her say chop them off.