Diagnosed Friday invasive ductal 1cm grade 3 - scared stiff!

Hi Flower,


Nice to speak with you, hope you are doing ok. I had WLE and several sentinel nodes removed for biopsy on 22nd July. It all went much better than I had imagined - never had general anaesthetic before and was really nervous! Had a bit of a wait for the results but went last Friday when the surgeon confirmed that the lymph nodes they took were all clear and the tumour was out with clear margins too. Then they explained that tests confirmed that it was oestrogen positive (ER+) and also HER2+ which is a  cell protein as I understand it. Good news in as much as I don’t need any further surgery but will need chemo and also herceptin for the HER2+ side of it and afterwards, Tamoxifen for the ER+ and radiotherapy.


Have had a few weeks to get used to the idea of chemo which scared me silly at first but now I’m thinking let’s just throw everything we can at it! I am waiting now for for my first appointment with the oncologist to plan the chemo etc and really hoping it won’t be too long.


I hope that helps but any questions just fire them off, I’m only a month ahead of you and I would be happy to try and help. Sorry if this is long and rambling!


I’ve just realised that I didn’t even ask how many nodes they actually removed but never mind! Sounds like you knew about the HER2+ status from the initial biopsy? They just told me mine was a fast moving type but didn’t elaborate and at that stage I didnt know enough to ask further.


Good luck for Tuesday, I’ll be thinking about you and let me know how you get on.


Take care, Linda x