I was diagnosed last Friday after being told the previous week my lump was probably cancerous and have just met today with my lovely breast cancer care nurse. I am being admitted for WLE and SLB on Tuesday (22nd) and know that I will have 3 weeks radiotherapy further down the line. She mentioned today that I will probably also have chemo as the tumour is a fast moving type. I was feeling pretty positive and together but for some reason, I have now kind of fallen apart! I feel pathetic because I’ve cried all afternoon and feel really scared and low - I know this is probably normal and tomorrow I may well be back on the positive bus but today I am not coping too well. I hope I’ve done this ok cos I have never posted on any kind of forum before but then again, I’ve never been in this situation before either! I have a lovely supportive family and friends but I could really use some input from people in the same boat.
Thanks xxx
Hello Linda_1963
Welcome to the forums. I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, the first few weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with your diagnosis and treatment.
As well as the support you will receive on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-
You may also like to talk things through with one of the helpline staff, they are there to offer emotional support as well as provide information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Hi Linda, im sorry you have had to join us here but you will find so much support and plenty of ladies who will walk the same path as you, I was diagnosed in April and was terrified to the point I couldn’t put one foot in front of the other, what you are feeling is what we have all been through on here at some point along the way, I didn’t have chemo but have recently finished Radiotheraphy and will be taking Tamoxifen for at least 5 years but am feeling really well now both physically and mentally, it’s such a massive thing to try and come to terms with and you will be up and down and I found just going with the flow was the easiest thing, if I felt low I wallowed and if I felt more upbeat I got out and about while I felt up to it but I didn’t force myself to be one way or the other,if I wanted to lay in bed and cry all day then I did. You will gradually start to feel more positive as things progress, the more information you get the less scary it feels, we all fear the worst at the beginning because we hear the C word and think that’s it but you will find that is far from the case ? always here to talk or just listen anytime, please don’t worry about the op, it’s quite straight forward and plenty of ladies will reassure you it’s not really painful or anything to fear, we will all help you through and I found so much support from these lovely ladies who had been there before me and I want to be able to do the same for others now if I can , you will be ok just give yourself some time to take it all in xx Jo
Hi, I was diagnosed in Feb and what you are feeling is normal … I’m on chemo 5 this Friday and it is doable … I still feel scared and still can’t believe it’s happening to me … But we have to cope and be strong and you will too xx
Hi Linda what you’re feeling is absolutely normal - up one minute and down the next - it’s like a roller coaster ride and we’ve all been there. I was diagnosed in May and WLE/SNB on 3 June and it all went well. I was surprised how quickly I recovered from the op but am still feeling tired towards the end of the day (more so on the days I work) which is normal. It’s good that you have the support of your family and friends and this site is invaluable for speaking with other ladies who are going through or been been through the same thing. big virtual hugs for next Tuesday and let us know how you get on xx
Hiya Linda
deep breaths, there’s a lot of people who have been right where you are now amd we will all try to keep you sane and share our own experiences which may help you
If you add folks as friends as well you can private message if you want to keep it private
I’m so sorry you had to join the “bc club”, but here we are and you will be able to get things off your chest without upsetting family and friends, but make sure they know how afraid you are, don’t brush it off as something that they don’t need to get involved in
love to you
sheena xx
After your Wle you normally wait 2 weeks for results if your NHS. You will then know more about your tumour … Grade, exact size, if your Er, Pr, her2 positive or negative and then you’ll they will tell you what treatment plan you are having … I’m grade 3, stage 2 her2 and Er positive … Everyone has a different cancer … Hope your ok today x
Hi, I was so glad to read your post. Have some comfort that you are not alone out there. I was also diagnosed with breast cancer on the 7/7/15. I have a grade 2 invasive lobular cancer and will have surgery on the 3rd Aug. I’m finding the long wait for surgery very difficult, but have tried hard to remain positive. This week I have found it hard to sleep and I am really struggling to stay strong. Im too afraid to watch the videos online of personal testimonies about a persons breast cancer, and I am trying to deal with my battle one challenge at a time. However, sat at home waiting for my treatment to begin, and then waiting for the review of my lymph nodes post op, to finalise the treatment plan, is very stressful, I just want to get on with it now.
i hope that your surgery goes well, dont forget that you are not alone, although it often feels like it (smiley face x)
Hi nick
I agree with Sarah, best not to look at those, concentrating on your own situation is most important right now
Have you told family and friends, work colleagues etc yet?
maybe you can get them to rally round and organise some treats before surgery, day’s out, spa day, etc trying to keep your mind occupied, I know it’s difficult. I think myself as lucky because I was diagnosed one week and had surgery the following Monday so I had no time to do anything but come her and shout HELP!
my son was with me and I dragged him round marks and Spencer looking for suitable bras, he’s 22, a total diamond, but the underwear dept was a bit too much lol
same goes for you Linda!
and do remember that all the lovely ladies here will handhold all the way. There is a part about going through treatment that might help as well
sheena xxx
Hi Linda, I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and felt I must write to you to tell you that your feelings and thoughts are completely normal. I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with invasive lobular cancer, grade 2, 3cm. I was also feeling really positive up until 2 days before surgery and then I also went to pieces and also posted on here for some help and support. I had a WLE and SNB last Monday 13th and also have to follow it up with radiotherapy at a later date. I just want to say it wasn’t as bad as I had feared, I had worked myself up into a right state and post surgery hasnt been too bad. I just had my dressings removed today and now have to wait for swelling to go down. I guess what I want to say is the other side of surgery isn’t as scary as I first thought and there are people on here who will support you every step of the way. Good luck with your op and stay positive Xx
Hi Linda
its funny how most of the ladies here haven’t posted on forum’s either, I stumbled across this quite by accident!
With a bit of luck you will get home same day as op, I walked, albeit v slowly, of the ward and into waiting car. Take any pain relief on offer and keep it topped up x
lots of virtual hand holding here
sheena xxx
Thanks Sheena, I think I’m all organised for now. My friends and colleagues know, but I’m not one for asking for help, I’m used to bring the strong one. This has made me realise that I need to start prioritising me again, so when I am well, I want to get a horse, it’s been such a long time since I gave the horsey life up for my family! Good to have goals, plus… Horses are great therapists ?
Nichola x
Thank you Sarah. I’m not sure how to use these forums so this is my second attempt at a reply, so excuse me if I repeat myself.
Thank you Linda, and good luck ?
I’m just butting in to mention that there is a gloosary of terms and abbreviations on the website which I thought might be helpful:
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hi ladies
just a quick thing, button up the front shirts and crop tops instead of bras are great after surgery.
A horse is major! I did get a cat though, 1st pet I have ever had
afraid I am a hugger, so sending you both one xxx
sheena x
Hi everybody,
Thank you all for your kind and positive comments, much appreciated! Sorry it’s taken a while but just wanted to give you all an update (and hope I’m using the right reply option cos I’m still finding my way around here!).
Went in last Tuesday for my WLE/lumpectomy and SNB and came home Thursday - all much better than I expected and had got myself in a right old state on the morning of surgery. The SNB injection was done the day before the op and honestly was not as bad as I had imagined and the op itself, despite being absolutely petrified at the thought of general anaesthetic, I knew nothing at all about it - everybody told me this but I was not convinced lol.
I did nothing but sleep for the first day I was home and have been uncomfortable and aching more than in actual pain but today exactly a week on, I feel like I might be on the mend. Am taking things very easy and just going with the flow. Had to get my wounds redressed on Monday as the dressings had come adrift and I’m not ready to look but my daughter did, braver than me!
I’ve just bought some fab crop top soft seamfree bras from Peacocks online which are amazing - I have been struggling to find anything comfortable so that has helped!
My surgeon is on hols so I have a bit of a wait until results and treatment plan on 14th August. I feel positive again at the moment and I will just have to deal with whatever I find out when I get that far. Sorry for this long rambling post but just wanted all you kind supportive ladies to know I’m ok. Hope you are all doing well and I will keep you all posted.
Linda xxx
Hi there,
Just wanted to update everybody who was kind enough to respond to my original post. Got my results on Friday, good news - lump was larger than they thought at 3cm but removed with clear margins and no lymph nodes affected! It was oestrogen and her2 positive so I’ll be having 6 cycles of chemo, then 3 weeks rads, 12 herceptin injections and then tamoxifen. I am so relieved and feel so much better just knowing there is a plan. I am waiting for a start date now for chemo and will post again once I have full details. Maybe I will start a new thread in different section - I will look into that, still not very good at this!
Thank you so much to everybody who took the time to reassure me in the beginning - I am very grateful to this forum and to the lovely ladies who make it what it is.
Linda xx
Hi Sheena,
Thanks - I have to agree the waiting has been the worst thing in all this so far, so much time to imagine the worst and worry yourself silly. Yes, at least I’m moving forward at last and considering I was so upset when chemo was first mentioned weeks ago, I’m now just so relieved by my results I almost can’t wait to have a start date and get moving on the next stage of this unreal chapter in my life.
I’ve been reading lots of threads on here which has helped a lot. How are you finding rads? Hope it’s going well for you and thanks again for your kind words along the way.
Linda xx