"Diagnosed in February"

Feel free to join - diagnosed in feb post.
I’m Alison diagnosed 18th Feb, op on the 5th March, then chemo and then radio therapy … What a journey !!!

Yay found it! I’m Karen, diagnosed 19 February, no date for surgery yet but appt at hospital this Monday. Hopefully no chemo or rads but mastectomy likely. We can take the journey together x

Hi ladies,
I have been reading your posts for a while in the waiting for results forum.
This morning I joined ‘the club’ I have grade 2 invasive breast cancer. I am having my ct scans and bone scans tomorrow - very fast moving.
How do you tell people? I don’t live near my family or friends (a 3 hour journey away) how on earth do I tell them over the phone?
My name is laura I’m 30 and have a 1 year old little girl and we live in Surrey at the moment :slight_smile: x

Hi rosie-ree and welcome to the BCC forums where you will find lots of support and shared experiences to help you through this difficult time, in addition, our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you so please feel free to call. Lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Here’s a link to further support and information from BCC aimed at younger women including our ‘younger women together’ residential events which I hope you will find helpful:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Rosie … Sorry to hear you have joined this club !
I don’t think there is any wl easy way to tell family and friends but have found out that people do care and offer to help in any way they can … Glad you have joined the group so we can all support each other !!

Thank you both!
Janet I think I’ll have to accept that I’m going to have to tell my parents over the phone. As for my friends, I will be doing that in written form of some kind as I don’t want to repeat myself over and over. x

Hi, I’m Sue, diagnosed on 4th February (wasn’t that cancer awareness day?), grade 2 inv lob, just had wire put in today, WLE tomorrow and sentinel node excision (Hoorayyyyyyy) definitely radio, but will find out what else in two weeks time. It has been a long month!

Hello, I have also been diagnosed last Friday. One of the worst days of my life as I’d convinced myself it was benign!! Waiting for all the tests to come back but know it’s grade 3 and been told am having chemo to zap it and any stray cells and because of my age; I’m 40!! Hopefully then lumpectomy although I did say take it all!! Telling the kids was tough but they’ve been great and was a relief to tell them, lots know now and that helps as well. Scans starting tomorrow and hopefully by mid next week will know when it all starts. Just want treatment to start now as am aware of it there all the time!!! Just to say your forum has been a lifesaver the last couple of days but it’s taken me till today to pluck up the courage to join you!!. Life’s a **bleep** eh!!! Watched my mother battle and win breast cancer but sadly ovarian got her in the end, so due to that I now have to have the genetic testing. At least they’re being very thorough. Cheers, and all the best to all of you, and thanks for all the advice I’ve read over the past few days xxx

Welcome to all you lovely ladies. I was aprehensive to join here but it’s been fantastic, the news and support is phenomenal. Any time you need a ‘friend’, come here. I am waiting for rads to start, seeing Onc. 11th March and will know what drug. I cant thank everyone enough for helping me so be reassured you will be helped. Masses of love and xxxxxxxxxx

Hi fellow feb diagnosees!I have grade 1 invasive lobular in the right breast. Telling my dad was the hardest but he’s taking care of the rest of the immediate family. I told a few close friends at work and then I asked my boss to tell everyone else in a big team meeting they were having while I was off so that took care of them. My older kids were ok. Haven’t told my 10 or 7 year old yet, waiting for my surgeons appt to know exactly what’s involved first. I’m in Surrey too Laura. My other half has a friend who works at gosh so her area of cancer treatment is different but she told him so much of how I would be feeling and no doubt you all probably do too. My partner has been great but I hope he took on board what she said. Xxx

I was diagnosed on 6th February. I could feel my lump but it couldn’t be seen on mammogram or ultrasound. Had two biopsies and they still weren’t sure. Also had tho whole lump removed and biopsied when grade 2 Idc was diagnosed. Took from my first appointment at the breast clinic until 6th February when finally diagnosed.
I had a snb and despite saying on the day tho two they took looked clear the results came back from the lab as one micro bit in one.
I am booked for mx and immediate Ld reconstruction for 17th March. Waiting to hear whether chemo and or radioradiotherapy. I will definitely have tamoxafen.

Another difficult day today. I had just started to feel more positive with hopes of an op date tomorrow. Got a call from the breast care nurse this morning to say that MRI shows two masses in left breast. My original tumour is in the right, so this may mean I have cancer in both breasts. Complete shock, now have to have ultrasound and biopsy of left breast tomorrow, then more waiting for results. Absolutely devastated. Still waiting for lymph node result too. Can it get worse?

Sorry to hear that you have another worry restless but once you know, you can and will deal with it. I am hoping that you are ok … I was told I am HER2 positive today so will have to have herceptin as well . Anyone else been told this ? X

Hi all i’m Tracey 

I have been diagnosed today 26th Feb as grade 3. Approx 6cm tumor in the right breast and cells found in the node in my armpit. I have been told i’ll have chemo first then surgery. My husband was with me at the clinic, and i’ve been to see my mum and dad to tell them. I haven’t told my 2 sons yet (22 and 17), but planning on telling them tomorrow. Dreading telling them. It feels very strange talking about chemotherapy, it just seems like it’s something ‘other’ people have, not me. I don’t wish it on anyone, but glad to know i’m not on my own. 

Wishing everyone a smooth journey through their treatment! xxx

Hi Tracey and welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support here, please feel free to call our helpliners for further practical and emotional support 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Here’s a link to further information and support ideas from BCC which I hope you will find helpful::


Take care
Lucy BCC

Janey I am exactly the same as you but having surgery first then chemo herceptin radio and then tablets Pretty scarey … I wonder why some of us have surgery first and some have chemo first … X

Hi Val and Janey. I wonder if it depends on what area you live in ?
It is pretty scarey whatever cancer we all have isn’t it. Wish I wasn’t her2 positive though but hey ho!!!

I am so glad as my nurse gave me the results not the consultant and I googled it and got myself in a right state … Thank you for letting me know xx

Yes Tussie stay strong … Hopefully all will be ok next week for you … Xxx

Hi I’m Judith 39 and unfortunately I have joined the club today. I have a 12mm invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3. Surgery taking place on 12th March and I have been given the choice of lumpectomy or a full mastectomy. Thinking of going with lumpectomy as it’s small but it’s the radiotherapy that’s frightening me. Nurse is coming to see me on Tuesday to answer any questions I may have and I have appointment with surgeon again next Friday. Not 100% sure how I am currently feeling.