Hi all, I was diagnosed by ultrasound week before last, following a routine mammagram, & then confirmed by biopsy results on Wednesday.
I have a small cancer in right breast (1 cm). I’m having a lumpectomy on May 20th. Could have had it earlier if I’d opted for a different surgeon, but I like & trust the consultant I met so I’m having it done by him.
Then a course of radiotherapy & the drug Anastrozole…& another drug which can’t remember. I might need chemo & might need lymph glands removed. I’m 62 & am disabled with MS.
From what I’ve read it must be oestrogen-receptor positive cancer.
I’m doing ok. Much better since I met the consultant & he said this won’t be a problem. The thing I’m dreading most is the fatigue from radiotherapy as I have such bad fatigue from MS! I suppose on the positive side at least I’m used to it.
I’ve already read some very useful info on this forum.
Anyway hi to all.
Pat X (sorry I don’t know how that warning got on here!)
Hi Pat, sorry you find yourself here but you will find lots of support from the lovely members on here. The waiting to know is the hard part and now you know what you are up against and your plan it becomes easier to deal with. I like you had my diagnosis via a routine mamagram and had a 17mm lump and I also delayed my surgery to fit in with what I wanted and plans already made. My initial plan was the same as yours and I’m pleased to say my plan didn’t change and I thankfully didn’t need chemo as it wasn’t regraded. I’m 7 weeks post surgery and waiting for rads to start at the end of this month (hopefully). I can understand your concerns with the fatigue as I wonder too and I don’t have MS to contend with on top. You have already shown great strength so far on your journey but we all have our down days and worries and no worry is a silly worry so if you have a concern…just ask the BCC family. Wishing you good luck. Kerry xx
Hi pat, welcome to the forum (although sorry you find yourself here!), it’s a very friendly place snd there is always someone who had been in a similar position, can offer support even if you just want a good rant . Can understand your concerns and hoping for a smooth treatment pathway ahead x
A warm welcome Pat, things are not half as scary once you have a clearer picture and I’m pleased your consultant has been able to reassure you how treatable BC is now, try not to focus too much on what may happen later down the line, I found dealing with the facts was the best as speculation would send me in to a tail spin and as my diagnosis didn’t change from initial biopsy results I was in a state of stress over something that never happened in the end! I had 15 sessions of rads and am now on Tamoxifen, I found rads fine and not tiring at all, we all differ and as you have MS then it may affect you more but over all it’s painless, quick and does a great job! All the very best Xx Jo
Hi I had a ultrasound lead core biopsy last monday.I was told a 1 cm cancer was present.I am supposed to get results of biopsy this week after consultant and others have a meeting to discuss me tomorrow.I had a mastetomy of left breast Dec.,2012 for widespread dcis.Have been attending hospital every year since for checks and mammograms.I was recalled last year for repeat mammo, nothing of signifidence was what I was told.I was recalled again this year due to changes! Aysmmetry! I don’t know what type this new cancer is or if a primary or secondary.I have been having a burning pain in breast since last year!! Feel as if im in limbo. Anne