Hi all
Hope you’re all doing well. I was diagnosed in 2015, and was told I’m 100% cancer-free last year after one monster rollercoaster of events, emotions and the likes of which I’m sure you all know of and understand. Me and my husband have agreed we both want to have children, however I am worried about whether I will actually be able to make one!
I’ve been using an ovulation tester alongside this ovulation calculator and they never seem to match up, I’m always ovulating a good few days later than the calculator says I should be doing, is this normal or has something gone wrong? I really don’t know where to go or who to talk to about this and it’s starting to get to me - where should I go?
Apologise this post is a bit of a mess, my head is all over the place at the moment - thank you for reading
Hello Court-West. Great news that you have got the all clear! That must be such a relief after your roller coaster ride.
I’m no expert on fertility but wanted you to know that you are being heard. Even though your two ovulation tests dont match it sounds like the combination is giving you guide to your getting pregnant window. I have 2 teenagers, I remember when we were trying I researched and read everything I could to give me an informed idea of timing.
My body gave me a clue as to when was the right time (excuse the directness but change in mucous discharge and a feeling of wanting sex). We conceived both children with in a couple of months. I was 35 and 38 at the time and hadn’t gone through cancer treatment.
You could ask your GP or oncolgist to refer you to an obs&gyny fertility consultant.
I’m sure I’ve read posts on here about post cancer fertility and getting pregnant with some positive results. Have a search through the forum as these ladies will be able to give some tips and optimism.
Wishing you good luck and hope you’ll let us know how you get on xxx