This is my first post so please excuse me as I don’t really know what I am doing! I am 47 andI was diagnosed with breast cancer on 25th May and am having my operation on 20th June. I have been given the choice of a lumpectomy or mastectomy - have no idea what to choose. I am angry because it took me about a year to convince my gp to refer me to the hospital. I went to breast clinic two years ago, had mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies. i was told that it was just calcification and discharged from clinic. Since that time the lump has grown and the pain has intensified - a different gp referred me urgently and I was seen within two weeks. I had a mammogram (the radiographer said “you had a cyst two years ago” to which I replied “I was never told it was a cyst I was told calcification”). I then had two biopsies taken (a different radiographer mentioned cyst again). When I went for my results the surgeon said that las time they had found thickening of the breast tissue last time. I am now blaming myself because I just assumed the pain and lump was calcification and am terrified that the cancer will have spread to other areas.
Has anyone got any advice on deciding between a lumpectomy and a mastectomy - I would be extremely grateful for any advice whatsoever. I have been told that I cannot have an immediate reconstruction as my hospital do them at a later date when the wound has healed.
I am also worried because my sister had ovarian cancer at 39 (she has just been given the all clear) and I have two daughters and my sister has one daughter - has anyone been in this situation?
I hope this post is ok and that someone replies to me! Thank you.
Hi Heather5
So sorry you find yourself here. Sounds like you had a difficult few years since your first checks. It is a difficult decision to make between a lumpectomy and a mastectomy. When I had to make my decision I went by the size of the lump and what impact I thought the removal would have on my breast. My lump was big and I chose to have an MX. I did not want to risk having to have more ops due to them not getting clear margins, my original lump was 45 mm x 30mm.
There are several different threads that you could look at to help you with your decision, plus the BCC helpline is worth ringing to speak about your options. You might want to look at Undergoing treatment: surgery section to see if there is a thread for women having surgery in June.
Glad to hear your sister has had the all clear
Good luck and I hope your op goes well x
Only you can really decide, it’s a very personal decision. I opted for a lumpectomy, they thought it was was 25cm but turned out to be 37cm so didn’t get clear margins, going in for another op on 19th June, still happy with the decision I made although only got small boobs doesn’t look bad at all. Having said that if they don’t get clear margins this time have been told will have to have masectomy so I may be putting myself under three ops instead of one!!! It’s not easy, talk to your BCN.
Hope you not getting too stressed, it’s a long road but try and take one step at a time.
Love Donna xx
Hi Heather I too have been recently diagnosised after a previous clear mammograph two years ago when I was told the pain was normal and no lump there, despite what I could feel. Have now decided that my initial anger wasn’t helping me much and I just have to accept it and be as positive as I can . Have my ups and downs as does everyone. Yesterday was my SNB , sentinel Node biospy , another two appointments scheduled to discuss treatment and then hopefully get the thing out. Yet to be faced with the decision of LX or MX , think surgeon was hoping for lx but I am not worried either way just want it out. Hope you get some helpful advice from here and best wishes Jane
Hi Heather
As well as the support you are receiving here you may find it helpful to talk things through with a trained member of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you can share any concerns you may have and discuss your options with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as support and information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi Heather
Sorry to hear you are having to deal with all this stuff but you will start to feel better once you have made some decisions and have a treatment plan in place.
With regards to lump/vs MX I would suggest that you ask lots of questions of the surgeon, BCN, oncologist and perhaps a second opinion if this would put your mind at rest. I would say that the decisions that we make are the best ones that we can make at the time based on all the available evidence. Don’t try to second guess yourself and wonder about the “if only’s” It’s incredibly draining and you will end up living your life in anger - not a good place to be.
I think at the beginning we all question decisions and choices we have made and to keep on doing that will drive you mad. At some point, I believe it is helpful to draw a line under what has past and start facing the future which hopefully for you will be a good life, lived long.
Be your own advocate and don’t be afraid to challenge other’s decisions.
Hope you get things sorted out and can feel that you have made the right choice. For you. Today.
Good luck
Laurie x
Hi Heather
I agree with the general sentiment that you have to make the decision that suits you best. I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago; the tumour was estimated at 11mm. My surgeon advised wide local excision (lumpectomy) but offerered me mx. For me there was no choice I desperately didn’t want mx and I was happy to take my surgeons advice, the WLE was successful. Unfortunately one of my glands is affected so I’m facing more treatment than anticipated, and I will need further surgery to remove the rest of my glands but that will not be until I’ve had chemo; there is no other surgery planned at the moment.
I also agree that once treatment plans are discussed and agreed, the whole situation is easier to deal with- I found the fear of the unknown a major hurdle and I have been a lot calmer since I have known more about the plan
I do hope that you have received the information you needed to help make a decision.
My thoughts are with you
Yvonne x
Have tried to post on here several times and may give up …what I was trying to say is Whatever you do - dont blame yourself! Best of luck…Mary M
Hello Heather5,
I too was also angry because, I also had a mammogram at 50 last Autumn given the all clear although my right breast had a rash, receding nipple etc. when my breast hardened my GP referred me to the hospital and the rest is history since the 15th of March.
There is no right or wrong in terms of mx/wle- my surgeon has told me I will have a full mx but I do have lymph problem due to the delays in diagnosis, I actually feel better not having the choice but I have used this website to inform myself based on others experience’s and thank them all for sharing as it helps to ease my journey.
All the best