Hi, I was diagnosed on Monday with invasive ductile carcinoma grade 3 stage 1. Loads of emotions right now. Terrified of mastectomy, feeling really isolated due to lockdown and living alone. I’m in the London area and would love to hear from any ladies who are at the same stage as me and also anyone who can discuss mastectomy. I want reconstruction at the same time but due to covid 19 this means a potential long delay. Thanks in advance xx
Irandall Sorry you find yourself on here. I’m glad you’ve found the threads, there will be lots of help and support as you take your journey step by step. You should have been given a bc nurse at your appointment, get a list of questions ready, ask in here and what we are unable to answer ask your bc nurse Has your consultant discussed next step with you yet or are you still taking it all in? we are all here for you
Shi xx
Hi Irandall
First of all, I’m so sorry you’ve had this diagnosis. You must still be reeling with the shock and information overload, at a time when it’s hard to take much in. I would say that there is little to fear in a mastectomy, even if your cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, which you’d have been told about. I’m phobic - an obsessive fear of vomiting and elements of agoraphobia and claustrophobia - so the prospect of surgery was terrifying. I discussed my fears and they were all addressed. So basically, the experience was arrive and undress, wait a lot, get drawn on by the consultant with a biro, the option of some sedation, then down for surgery and wake up back in bed. I felt a bit woolly but that was all and they allowed me home with my husband the same evening, with instruction sheets.
You may find you have a drain attached for a few days, an inconvenience at worst - so make sure you have button-fronted pjs or very loose shirts to wear. Get used to sleeping on your back. You’ll have exercises you must (really must) do repeatedly to avoid a frozen shoulder and a dressing which will be a nuisance unless it’s waterproof. The general anaesthetic may make you sleepy, hyper alert, bad-tempered…anything really. It’s major surgery after all. I didn’t even take 2 paracetamol during the whole recovery period but some women need pain relief so get some in or ask for some. After the dressing is removed, you need to take care of your scar (which may have a small lump of flesh each end, depending on the surgeon) and look on it as something that has saved your life, not a deformity. Mastectomy removes your cancer. Look at it that way if you can? It’s not easy but it helps.
I guess the problem for you is what help you are going to have and be able to access in the current crisis. It’s not so easy to invite someone to stay to help look after you but presumably the hospital can advise you on this. Personally I’d have found it hard without my husband waiting on me hand and foot and ensuring I wasn’t skipping eating. Stock up on easily digestible and easily heated up foods you like, energy or fortified drinks and some feelgood food you’ve earned.
I can’t say anything about reconstruction - I’m happy enough being monoboobed. However, 16 months later, I still have to massage my scar and do exercises to keep movement in my chest muscle and armpit (I had the lymph nodes removed too). I wish you all the best, with this and the treatment that follows xx
Hi Irandall, sorry you find yourself here and welcome to our lovely forum. It’s understandable that you should feel terrified of mastectomy. It feels like a very harsh treatment for a woman to go through but time is a great healer and it will get better. I had to wait almost two and a half years for my reconstruction and I found it difficult mentally but I got through it and I know you can too. I’m still waiting for step 2 of my reconstruction surgery but that’s now going to be delayed due to corona virus. Just take it one step at a time and don’t expect too much from yourself. It’s ok if you don’t feel positive and grateful all of the time. What we have to get through can make us feel quite ugly inside at times.
here’s my blog which you may find some comfort from: lifeafterlola.com/
sending hugs. Xx
Hey, my mum just got diagnosed too and it is scary given the coronavirus. She is also going to need an op, probably on the lymphs too. Sending you a big hug and wanting you to know you are not alone.
Hi there,
sorry to hear about your bad news if it helps I’m going through the same I was diagnosed only a few weeks ago with breast cancer and due to lockdown don’t have much support and feel very much alone too. I need to have a mastectomy and all nodes removed and I too can’t have reconstruction at same time due to covid. I went to hospital on Thursday for the op and it was cancelled literally within half hour of my time slot and I got sent home. It took such courage to get to that stage as well. So I believe I will be due the op again in the coming weeks. If you ever need to chat through no problem
I have also recently been diagnosed - allbeit about 6/7 weeks ago - and I remember those first two weeks after being told I had BC - I felt as is I were two people - me and then the me with the BC and I was in shock. I could not speak to people and I could not function for a good time. I am now more weeks in and have started on some hormone blocking tablets, and have settled down a bit with the emotions. I have had surgery postponed due to Covid - I am hoping that I can have lumectomy instead of masectomy - as like you I really do not want the whole breast removed. I am now though keen to get on with it.
This group are great so dont feel alone, speak up anytime, any subject, any worry and someone on here, these lovely ladies all going on this same journey as you and me, will be there.
Keep strong.