Diagnosed on Thursday

Diagnosed on Thursday with stage 2 lobular breast cancer. I now need ct scan and so worried something may come up. I don’t have any other symptoms and my pathology report said it’s growing extremely slow, although it’s 5cm. How do I get thru the next few weeks of waiting for ct scan and then the results? Every twinge I’m panicking!


Hi :wave:t2:
So sorry to hear of your diagnosis.
I am slightly further along on the journey than you- diagnosed with lobular cancer in both breasts; have had lumpectomies and node biopsies and am now having radiotherapy.
It’s the waiting between appointments and checks/results that I have found the hardest.
I have to remind myself that this is all beyond my control and worry will not change the outcomes but will make me feel rubbish in between treatment.
I hope that your CT scan goes well and that once you have a treatment plan you feel a little better about the next steps.
Sending all best wishes x


I found this part the worst part, it’s the unknown that really gets to you and messes with your mind. There’s no easy answer, I started a journal and wrote all my negative thoughts down just to get them out of my mind, it helped and here we are a year later and on journal number 3. I know it’s very hard to concentrate on yourself at this time, but please try to. Be kind to yourself, spoil yourself and do what you want to do or what you feel up to. Remember we’ve all been in this awful place, we are here for you whenever you need to offload, scream, shout or just sit quietly knowing that someone is holding your hand. We will all walk every step with you.

Sending love and hugs xxx


Hi @stafford22

The CT might be needed to prepare for your op. The imaging is different to that of a mammogram or ultrasound sound. I didn’t need one, but my diagnosis is different to yours. Hopefully some more ladies with the same type of cancer can jump on board to offer some reassurance for you.

You’re still processing everything, and your mind is working overtime. I think it would be safe to say we have all been through it, but it will get better. If it helps, try to focus on the better parts of your diagnosis ie. treatment is scheduled to remove it, and it’s slow growing. I’ve read some cancers can take 5 years before they are spotted….on that basis, a few weeks won’t do any further harm and the medical team will be using that time to prepare, to give you the best treatment options.

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I’m just coming up to 3 years since my diagnosis of lobular breast cancer . I actually received my diagnosis on New Year’s Eve having had to wait all over Xmas for my biopsy results. This was definitely the worst time for me and I was extremely anxious - couldn’t sleep and my appetite went . Once I had a treatment plan I found it much easier to cope with. I found it hard accepting that my life was out of my control and I just needed to go with the flow. Keep talking to family and friends . I also cycled a lot as that’s my happy place and being in the fresh air was very beneficial for me . Take care

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