Hello all you beautiful people. I was told today i have breast at my ultrasound appointment, had a load of biopsies of my breast and lymph nodes, and an urgent referral for ct scan. I will find out results in 10 days. Im 58 years old im feeling positive believe it or not and honestly relieved instead of thinking is it isnt it. I will fight like a warrior. Sending love to all jules
Jules, you’re doing better than most of us did as you’re in the worst phase of the entire thing! I’m hoping you get good results and that you get them soon! There are many positives to the cancer journey and it’s not all doom and gloom but once you get this but out of the way, it eases as, even though physically it’s the most brutal thing I’ve ever experienced, nothing compares to the psychological turmoil of those first few weeks xx
Its a major bolt but im always positive and i know i will have bad days. I knew deep down . I have the most amazing people in my life and praying its not too bad results , im dreading it but its a road i have to travel so im hoping for not too many bumps on the way. Thank you so much for your reply x
Sending love and hoping for the best for you. Xx
Thank you so much x
Sending you best wishes it’s always tough waiting for results but sometimes it’s a relieve and as you say , you can start the fight take care x
Im trying not too think about results yet, it did shake me having to have a ct scan but better safe than sorry. My family and 2 daughters are devestated so trying to remain positive for them and my grandchildren. One step at a time. Thank you so much for your reply, x
Exactly how I felt. It was a case of i cant do anything about it, it is what it is , lets get on with it. Best mindset as you wait for your results.
I was the same and this is the worst period - but I think its just in my nature and we don’t or can’t all feel like that, especially if you are someone who catastrophises (like my husband does) . I also noticed it was harder for those closest to us than maybe ourselves so I think your families’ response is entirely to be expected.
You got this
Thank you all for kind words, i thought i was weird feeling so positive, to watch my daughter last night on facetime so upset as she lives 4 hours away from up north , was heartbreaking , thankfully she has a couple of good friends as her husband in armed forces is away. Maybe it hasnt hit me yet i dont know, she is coming down for the results as she will ask all the right questions she works in nhs, i think its so hard on loved ones and im very mindful of this but as they say onwards and upwards, love to each and everyone of you.
I was diagnosed last August, 14 months after my mum died of cancer. I’ve had mastectomy, chemo, rads. I’m now on zolendronic acid for 3 years and letrozole for 7 years.
I haven’t had a meltdown yet. I’ve been stressed and had a few ‘moments’ in private. I just wanted to get on with treatment. I knew I would have to write off a year of my life for treatment.
Hi @julesjp, it sounds like a lot to go through these past couple of days but glad to hear that you’re feeling relieved now that you know. Please know that we’re here for you throughout this and the forum is a great place to find that additional support. If you have any questions going forward then please ask away and those of us on the forum will do our best to answer them
Best way to look at it ,stay positive.
I’m here 24 yrs this week,and they are a lot more advanced now .
Good luck with your treatment.
Hi julesjp,
Not the words we ever want to hear , we’ve all been there like you I was determined to stay strong and fight this cancer that had invaded my body
first in 2017, lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes taken, clear margin on lump, no cancer in nodes followed by 15 radiotherapy appt. Got through this part fine but this Triple Negative BC wasn’t finished with me yet.
2019 3 new tumours in same breast as before but i though " you know what I’m not having this ". Left side mastectomy and aux nodes removed ( no sign of cancer in nodes:muscle:) followed by 12 weekly chemotherapy. Wont say if was a walk-in the park, it wasn’t but I never gave in. I walked every day weather permitting and took what meds I needed to get through but I didnt ever feel sorry for myself, I just got on with it all . This year come the end of August it will be 5 years with no return
I have my final phone call with my surgeon next month and hopefully will be the last time I ever speak with her again.
Take a day at a time my lovely, have a cry when you think it’s all to muck, talk to other bc ladies, if you’re awake at 3 in the morning you’ll find others on here at that time but MOST of all you grab that cancer by the throat, put on your big girl pants and do ALL YOU CAN to kill the bxxxxxxd.
If you want to chat pls feel free, after all this time I’m still here
What a lovely positive message thank you so much, im determined it wont beat me ive an amazing close support system ive not cried yet but sure it will hit me soon. I will put my big girl pants on and get this alien out of me xx
I just want to jump in here and say how wonderful it is to read so many positive outlooks on this.
I’m currently waiting for my first breast clinic appointment to see what’s going on with a lump / thickening and seeing all of your messages has made me rethink my mindset should I get bad news on Thursday.
You’re all wonderful and I wish you all well
This waiting is the worst , i had biopsies on sunday they told there and then, waiting for a ct scan and get my results next week. It sounds silly but i was relieved when they told me because whatever i have to do this i just got my mindset ready, i hope you good results , sending lots of positivity and love xx
Ive got my contrast ct scan on 22nd, my gp rang me yesterday to catch up and see how im doing which i thought was lovely❤️
I was diagnosed almost a year ago, July. I was 68. I felt most fortunate as the surgeon I saw on my first visit to Breast Care Center, ordered mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy to be done straight away. Back in his office he gave me the news that in his opinion, (and he had examined many ladies with BC) it was BC. We would have to wait for biopsy results for more details. He really put my mind at rest when he said “if you’re going to have cancer, bc was the best type to have as treatments have come so far. I have carried on that positive outlook throughout my treatments. It wasn’t always a walk in the park but by staying positive, my sons have also stayed positive along with the rest of my family, I’m one of 10! I also found an amazing Facebook group, Breast Friends which has enabled me to meet up with ladies local to me for coffee, get togethers, walks and even the odd glass of wine. So all in all, we have to deal with the problem because we don’t have any other options. Positivity is the best way to handle it. We experience less stress so therefore aid our recovery and ease our mental health. Wishing you all the very best in your journey’s. Sending hugs and positive vibes