Hello, I can’t believe I am here, reading all the amazing messages, and realising I have been told today that I have breast cancer. I go into hospital in 4 weeks. Not sure I have been told everything yet, having read messages on this site. All very surreal and numbing. Think I want to cry now.
Hi Tadpole,
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site who have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them.
While you are waiting for replies, just to let you know that if you need someone to talk to in confidence then please don’t hesitate to give the helpline here a ring, the staff are here to give you some added support at this time. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2
Take care,
Jo, Moderator
Hello tadpole im sorry you find yourself here .
The people on this forum are brilliant and you will find lots of useful information and support. I used the helpline several times in the early days following my dx it was absolutely fab…
I am only just over a months down my breast cancer journey and having mx this Saturday. I really hope to start taking back some control soon as I felt so rubbish at first.it all seemed so surreal and when I spoke about it I felt I was talking about someone else .Gradually getting better though talking to my BCN and now signed up to a 1-2-1 support volunteer through the helpline.
big hugs pauline x x
Thank you Jo and Bonnie, yes I felt this was a supportive place to be last night, reading through other lladies experience and knowledge. I have 9mm lobular breast cancer, but need an MRI to determine if I have any options on what op.
Don’t know if best option is to have mastectomy which I understand can reduce further risks and treatment. But tthat does not seem to be what others are saying, can you have mx?? And no further treatment at all, or do you have to then have rradiotherapy and medication? I am 62 and at the moment, I really can’t bear the thought of further episodes and treatment.
how do you all cope so well. the nurse said she would come and see me, think there is a lot to discuss.
i feel very lost this morning, will have to phone help line later thank you for being here, you must have aall helped so many ladies.
thank you so much x
Hi Tadpole
i know how you feel, im having surgery on Friday 16th this week and am so worried, but just reading some of the threads on here have made me not feel alone.
Take care
Sally x
Hi Tadpole
just want to send all my love and luck to you. We all know the initial feeling of not knowing what is ahead of you, but when you have more information on your treatment plan, you will learn to take each day at a time. There is lots of info on this site and of course the forum holds all the love and support needed. take care and let us know how you are getting on x x x
Hi also meant to say to post your message on the new members intro thread as many others at the same stage as you x x
Hi Tadpole
I’m sorry you’ve had to join our club. It’s 8 weeks since I was diagnosed and I’m not sure it’s fully sunk in even now. You’re going to be on an emotional rollercoaster for some time. Post here if you have any questions or want to rant/moan, ring the helpline and make friends with your Breast Care Nurse…mine has been an absolute star.
Good luck and lots of (((hugs))
Maggie xx