Hi … I was diagnosed 25November after being recalled from routine mammo … had two biopsies and told to expect the worst. I was totally shocked as I can feel no lump! I was told one area cancer and the other borderline so last week they biopsies the second area again. Results are tomorrow and this will determine lumpectomy or mastectomy. I am 56 and wonder if anyone else has a similar story as although I have a brilliant husband and family I worry about saying too much as they are worried enough already, need to keep positive for them?
Hi Kim,
oh yes! there are many of us here with similar diagnoses. I am the same age as you & was diagnosed in Feb this year following routine screening, like you I had no idea.
The period immediately after diagnosis is always the pits, as going through investigations & waiting for results is such an anxious time. It does get better once the diagnosis is & treatment plan is confirmed.
Fortunately, bc is very treatable these days. I had an early diagnosis, had lumpectomy, radiotherapy, now on tamoxifen & out the other side, so glad I went for that mammo!
There is loads of support here so come back & chat whenever you need to.
ann x
Hi Kimjane,
Mine wasn’t found at a routine mammogram, I found my lump - but the waiting for results really is the worst part. I went into wobbly mode on Sunday, it crept up on me, but the ladies on here were so supportive & calming, I actually managed to sleep.
I keep positive with my hubby & kids, they never know how scared I am - I only admit that on here.
Just typed a reply and its disappeared! I’m the same age as you and wAs diagnosed following a routine mammogram… Neither me or any of the consultants have been able to feel the lump but it’s clearly there on every scan I’ve had, and I’ve had lots because they also queried an area in my other breast. I was referred for an MRI guided biopsy that can only be carried out in a few centres and a few days before the procedure their radiographer decided it wasn’t necessary - he wants me to have a repeat MRI in 6 months to compare the scans. I eventually had a wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy last week and am anxiously awaiting the pathology results.
this forum has been brilliant for support both practically and emotionally, there’s always someone about to listen, reassure, or share experiences.
hope your news is ok tomorrow.
Oh well - you have two different versions of my story - bit of a technophobe me!!! ?
What bugs me, is when I type a big paragraph (I did the other day) and I went to post it and it says authentication has failed - and I realise my phone has signed out, then you just get the short version.
I managed 2 posts last night on the same thread - typed one in Quick Reply and it disappeared, then typed one using a Reply, and then they both appeared!!!
Hi everyone … am amazed at all your posts and am so thankful to you all. Appointment today revealed that second area is benign so no mastectomy just lumpectomy … I feel like I have won the lottery? Radiotherapy or chemo to follow depending on lymph pathology but stupidly I feel good. For those of you waiting my thoughts are with you and I feel so lucky to be supported by you all xx
so pleased for you Kim & its certainly not stupid to feel good. Going through this is always a rollercoaster.
ann x
Kim - that is great news. I know exactly how you feel- when they said my scan was clear, I was so happy & I felt hungry for the first time in 3 weeks.