Diagnosed with BC 2 days ago

Hello…im peter from Essex.
I got this news on tuesday morning…
Im 54 years of age…My mum got diagnosed with breast cancer at the same age as me.
She sadley passed away 3 years later.
It was in 1985 and ive never really gotten over losing this beautiful lady…But most of ya"s know how that feels eh.
I had a mamagram and ultrasound 6 days before xmas THEN the next day i had the Biopsy.
In one way us lovely people are very lucky the Biopsy was done SOO quickly…In my mums days she waited ages just for the Biopsy…SO…theres HOPE yes?
Anyway…id just like to wish any ladies and men who have This cancer Love and Hope…Thanks for reading this…love…peter k

Hi Peter

I thought you might find our information pack for men with breast cancer an interesting read, if you haven’t already seen it, here’s the link:


Kind regards.

Louise, Facilitator

Hello Peter , What treatment plan have you got ? I always think this is much worse for men as we ladies are the ones with Breasts , so I am sending you strength to cope and determinaation to fight this awful disease that claimed your beautiful mothers life. She would be proud of you posting on here , and I hope we can give you much needed love and support. Tracy x

Hi Peter. I think I’ve seen a few other men on here over the past few weeks since I joined.
I guess breasts are mainly seen as female more than male but really they are probably just different sizes. If It were bowel cancer or bladder cancer there wouldn’t be any difference - it would just be a person with cancer. I hope you feel that you can get as much support here as you need even if some of the issues are different for you.
I’m so sorry your mum died from breast cancer. I can’t imagine how that must feel now that you have been given the same diagnosis.
Everyone tells me how things have changed from years ago and now things are managed so much better - so this is very good news for us.
Welcome to the site anyway Peter.

Hi Peter,
I hope this site will give you the support you need to get through this.
Im sure there will be a few men on here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
If not just log on anyway and read all the wonderful threads from ladies going through the same ordeal as you.
Has your breast nurse or surgeon put you in touch with other men locally that you could contact?
MIght be worth asking them if there is a support group locally.
All the best
Maggie x

Hi Peter - sorry to see you are here - i went through it in 2004
Diagnosed just before Christmas 2003 aged 52 - full matectomy to right side in January 2004 - seems so long ago now but never forgotten
I lost all breast tissue - half pec muscle too due to tumor (3cm grade 3)invasion - at that time they took Lymph nodes too - i lost 16 all clear - follow up was 6 FEC chemo, split by 25 sessions of radio - so it was like going through Chemo twice. I had 3 then the 25 radio followed by final 3 chemo - used to walk to and from Hospital for this (3mile apprx) need the the excersise. I was lucky after the 1st 2 chemo sessions, which were pretty bad, i stopped taking all the drugs given to take home - smooth as silk then - but everybody is different - what affects me may not affect you. I worked upto Thursday (Chemo) Friday off plus the weekend - back to work on the Monday.
Was to take Tamoxifen for 5 years - they didnt agree with me - blew up like a balloon - asked to change, but they said it was the best treatment for me so carried on for 2 years - then stopped - drug free ever since.
I wish you well with your journey, hope you get through trouble free…
I used to be on this site many years ago - there were a few more men active then - now just pop in now and again.
if i can help in anyway - let me know - just leave me a message.

Hello Peter, Sorry to hear you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, and particularly that you’ve been diagnosed exactly at the age that your Mum was too. It must have brought up so many memories for you, but like you say, times have changed, and once the doctors and nurses etc are involved, things happen much faster than when your Mum was first diagnosed. So, it’s good that you haven’t had to wait long for your biopsy etc.

I’ve had breast cancer twice. It’s horrendous getting a breast cancer diagnosis, but luckily for me, both types were easily treated. I really, really hope it’s the same for you, particuclarly with your Mum having died from bc.

Just like someone else has already posted, I too think it must be worse for a man to be diagnosed with breast cancer, and that’s why I’m so glad you’ve come on here. There’s so much support for us all on here, n that’s direct support from the charity itself, but also, and very specially, from all the lovely people on here too.

Please post on here, whatever you’re feeling, thinking, wondering about etc - we’re here for you. I don’t come on here so often now, but your post caught my eye, cos I used to work with a lovely man who got breast cancer in about 2002. He was successfully treated, and I know he’s still well. The last time I heard directly from him, which was about 3yrs ago, he was waiting for the birth of his 3rd grandchild!

cheers shelley xx

Thanx everyone …DWRIG…i was very interested in your post…ONLY coz ya a man…Id love to hear more please x

Hi Peter, can I ask if you had been checked for the brac gene. I have the brac2 gene along with 2 of my sisters we all took breast cancer, sadly Pat died 5years ago and Angela now has sec in bones and bloods I only have one son who is now 25, he doesn’t seem to care about the gene but maybe its early days for him. It makes me wonder now.
Good luck with all that is a head of you and I hope you enjoy joining in the posts, on bad days they are a God send.

No Bella not been checked…Best wishes to you x

Results yesterday…Im now free of cancer.
Just having 6 sessions of chemo and ill be on tablets for 5 years…

Best wishes to each and every one of you lovely men and women xxxxx

hello peter, what stage are you at now, what treatments are you having