Diagnosed with breast cancer on 15 December

I am 37 and live near Newcastle. I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer on 15 December. There is no family history of breast cancer. I was misdiagnosed to begin with back in July. I went to my GP as my nipple had bled and the skin was peeling. As it was just the tip which was affected, they thought it was nothing serious. I then went back a few months later in November as it hadn’t cleared up. I wish I’d gone back sooner! Again they thought it was just eczema and nothing serious, but I was referred to the hospital for tests. The mammogram did not show anything, but I had a biopsy. I was given the bad news a few days ago. I’m over the initial shock, but still don’t know what to expect. I have been told I need a masectomy in the New Year. It is a very worrying time.

Dear Romana

Welcome to the BCC forums. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I am sure you will find support and information here. Whilst you await replies from your fellow users you may find our resource pack helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed. If you would like a copy just follow the link below:


In addition to the support you will recieve here, if you feel it would help to talk to someone in confidence about the concerns and queries you have, then please give the helpline a call, the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. They can offer you a listening ear, support and information about other services we can offer you to help you through this difficult time. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Best wishes

Hi Romana

I was diagnosed only a week or so ago, I agree it is a horrid, worrying time. There are some lovely women on here though who give loads of support. I have been told (and told and told…) one step at a time…but it is so hard, I want to know NOW what is going to happen, I can prepare for what I know about but not if I don’t know.


Di x x


Thank you for your response. After the initial shock on Monday, I am trying to come to terms that I have cancer. My friends and family have been great so far, but they don’t understand what I’m going through. I hope to find some comfort through the website.

Romana xx

Hi Romana and Dizzy Di

I’m a year down the line from you so not over experienced with advice. All I can say is I can remember how you were feeling at that awful shocking news. Waking up each morning thinking I had had a bad dream. I had never had surgery or a general anaesthetic before and I was 46! …didnt want chemo was absolutely terrified. Somewhere, somehow we just find the strength to accept all the help offered and get through it. Its hard to say ‘this will happen or that will happen’ because each lady has a different experience of the treatment. Some ladies do go through the whole chemo bit with few side effects and carry on working! When those few months are over its such a great feeling. You will meet some lovely new people throughout your treatment and make new friends.

There always seems to be lovely ladies on here who can answer questions or give comforting advice.

Love and best wishes to both of you

Judy xx

Like Judy i am a year down the line… my mastectomy was on 27 December 2007.

How can we have cancer when we feel so well? it’s bizarre but you get used to it and that acceptance can help? i say that because it means I moved on to accept the treatment offered and to do anything i could to sort it all out. This time last year i felt scared about what would be happening - there was no need to be. It is ALL doable. I went back to work in early march 2008 and I am fine

Romana and Di - enjoy this christmas and all the ones to come

Jen x