Diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on my right breast, it is stage 1, but they have found calcium in my left breast, so carrying the tests on that breast next Friday when I will get results and treatment plan for my righthalassotherapy due to past history on my dads side of the family they have advised my sisters and female cousins to get tested for the gene.

Hi I’m sure someone will be along to help and give you advice. I am sending a hug to you to keep you safe until someone comes along.
((( hugs )))

Hi lucylou, however scary this feels it sounds like they have caught it early. Try and get all the information you can and keep positive. The is always someone to talk to and I have just joined this blog as I find reading others views and indivual stories helpful. I had a Stage 2 tumour recently removed and waiting to start radiotherapy . Consultants and nurses have been fab and your breast care nurse is there for support as are the nurses at breast cancer care. It is an emotional time so look after yourself and keep away from anyone that has any colds or any infections.Best wishes and fingers crossed for next Friday. Katykokabura .

Hi Lucylou,

Welcome to the BCC Discussion Forums. In addition to support from other users here on the forums, please do give the BCC Helpline a call if it would help to talk to someone in confidence, it offers information and emotional support Tel. 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 10am-2pm)

Here’s a link to information on the main BCC website aimed at people newly diagnosed, which I hope will be useful:


With best wishes,

Anna BCC Moderator