Diagnosed with DCIS second time

I will really appreciate your advise.
Last year I had a DCIS on my right which was removed. I wasn’t worried at the time because it was low grade. But now another intermediate and high grade DCIS (3mm) was found in my left breast. I was told it is rare to have DCIS in both sides. The doctor suggested I have a wide local excision, followed by radiotherapy and I will need annual check-up from now on.
Because it happened twice within a year, and this time I had many ultrasounds, MRIs and biopsies due to other subspinous areas, I have a lot of anxiety. I am considering have double mastectomy and implant-based reconstruction. I don’t know what it is like to have 100% implant in my breasts. I really keen to hear from you. Many thanks.

Hi @lee2
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, of DCIS whilst non-invasive I know it still creates horrible anxiety.

I had a large area of DCIS removed by a lumpectomy in 2020 followed by radiotherapy and was very happy with the results of a slightly wonky boob. Having the lumpectomy had the benefit of keeping my real breast and sensation. I was put on the annual mammogram program which picked up another occurrence of High-grade DCIS in November last year. I was keen to keep my own breasts so I had a lumpectomy followed by a re-excision as the first operation wasn’t successful, I know they can’t guarantee success until the pathology results.

The second operation found more DCIS so I was recommended to have a mastectomy, I ended up having a bilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction, the one breast was self-elected. I am thrilled with the results but would have been much happier to have been able to keep my own breasts with all the sensation even if they were wonky.

The lumpectomy surgery is day surgery and very quick to recover from, you will probably be recommended radiotherapy I had 5 days and had very minimal side effects. The mastectomy and DIEP was a very big operation with a much longer recovery.

I hope this helps and happy to answer any questions you might have, wishing you all the best x

Hi @Summer-sunshine
Thank you so much for replying my message. It’s really helpful to know your experience. Hope you are well and safe now after the operation.

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