Well I’d been given fair warning at the time of biopsy that the lump was worrying so no surprise yesterday to be told I had Breast Cancer. Grade 2 (at the moment) ER+. Suspicious lymph node biopsy. Further tests being carried out on original biopsies for HER2 (first results inconclusive). Have to wait upto two weeks for HER2. Two lumps found and calcifications.
Got the weekend to consider surgery/reconstruction options and there will be chemo, radiotherapy and hormone therapy afterwards. Trying to remain positive but v worried while waiting for HER2 results and not knowing if moved beyond armpit.
While you are waiting for fellow members to come along and offer support you might find some helpful threads in the section “Going through treatment” /surgery.
And you can call the Helpline as many times as you need! (Details again are 0808 800 6000. Opening hours 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays)
I’ve just been told today I am having a double mastectomy. I think everyone is different. The consultant said I would be seen in the next week or so by the plastic surgeon but he thinks I will have implant only as my stomach is too flabby! I’m a size 16 but not massive like. Two kids and a c-section has left me with flab though. But I suppose that part is down to the plastic surgeon. Either way, I just want rid of these and something else in its place that won’t try and kill me.
He said today I should be having the op this time next month. I only found the lump two weeks ago - it’s a lot to take in.