Diagnosed yesterday, on holiday today.

Hi my gp thought it was a cyst but I have grade 3 ductal cancer and found out 24 hours ago. I spent yesterday being brave, making jokes and sortung things out.

Today I am on the Isle of Wight ferry with my 3 children (7 and 4 yo twins) feeling sad, dazed, scared and cheated. We’ve had a tricky summer holiday with various illnesses and now this. I jag to pull my head together for the family’s sake.

Am booked for lumpectomy and lymph removal etc on 23rd Sept. In the meantime the twins start school and my eldest goes nervously into year 3.

Oh bugger.

Hi Redandwhite,there is never a convenient time to have cancer!!!Life continues around you even though you are in a daze.I dragged myself through the first couple of weeks after being diagnosed .Not sure how I got up to go to work ,cooked meals , did the ironing ,think I was on autopilot .It is a real shock to the system isn’t it, feels a bit surreal.I felt a lot calmer once I got my head around what happened next and after my op .With a bit of luck you will be like me and a lot of ladies and they will be able to remove all the cancer during op and any other treatment will be to minimise the chances of it coming back.There is lots of support and information available from other women on the site.There is a thread “just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand” where quite a few ladies who are at various stages of treatment are talking if you would line to join us .I had my op 18th June and I have just finished my first week of radiotherapy .

Hello love
What a time your having, I found out the Wednesday and went on my holiday the following weekend, we had a great time, I just put it to the back of my mind. We got back 2 weeks later I worked for one week, then my partner was rushed in with abdominal pain, emergency bowel surgery the Monday, as I had my WLE the Thursday. We got through it and you will to love.
Enjoy your hols, I know it isn’t easy, cancer never is, and i can’t promise you will not have dark days, we all do, but just talk about it, if you can’t just yet to your family then let it out to us, this forum have really helped me.
Take care my lovely
Car x