Hi everyone, i have just noticed that my nipple is pointing towards the floor whilst other one isn’t.
My tumour is a star shape and wondered if this is a more serious type. Don’t get my care plan until thurs: ( but bad boob has changed so much in a week and a bit. Any ideas welcomed.
Hi Kim,
Please try not to read anything into it at the mo. Even with a bc diagnosis, changes do not happen that fast & it’s not possible to deduce anything by appearence. It’s the anxiety monster biting again, sending the mind into overdrive.
It will be better when you have your treatment plan & know what you’re dealing with.
ann x
I don’t want to hijack anyone’s thread, but just joined forum and freaking out today with my biopsy results, and read your comment about anxiety and effect on your body and convincing yourself it had spread to lungs etc…yes, very much me tonight and reading that was helpful thanks, even though not written for me x
Hi Kim,
We’ve all had dark thoughts at times, but it will pass, please remember that outcomes for bc have never been better & as for many of us, you will get through this & out the other side.
It will soon be out of you & you will be well on the way in your treatment plan.
take care
ann x