I’m numb with this news and watching my whole family crumbling round me. What help can they get
I was diagnosed two weeks ago. The numbness does go but there are a gamut of emotions. What is your treatment plan?
i found it better once I told family but didn’t tell them straight away. Actually, the first person I told wasn’t family and he was so lovely that it made me feel better. You kind of don’t need weeping and wailing from others so if it is detrimental to you then distance yourself. Use sensible people to inform others and remember this is a time to focus on you.
offering a mutual hand hold. I’ve had two really ok days at work and am having mini panics today for some reason even though there is no rhyme or reason.
Hi Leekim,
This stage is always such a shock & the early days of diagnosis are so hard, so what you’re feeling is quite normal, we’ve all been there
Please be reassured that bc is highly treatable, with the some of the best outcomes out there. The vast majority of us go onto recover & get on with our lives.
There is great support here from those of us who are going through the stage you’re at now, as well as those of us further down the line & out the other side.
Do use this site or Macmillan for any information & avoid any general googling as it’s not specific to you & only creates a whole load of unnecessary anxiety. if you need to talk things through, then the helpline number is at the top of this page.
It does get better, it really does. Once your treatment plan is in place & treatment starts it feels so much better.
Do come & chat or vent whenever you need to.
ann x
Hi Leekim
Welcome to the club that none of us expected to be in. As already said in the post you will get maximum support on here and as much information you need. I also have rang them up during the day and they were so helpful and friendly.
Thank you so much, at times I think I’m going to die, then I say I will fight this and then I’m in disbelief. Is this normal. I don’t get my care pathway until May 4 as tissue samples away to oncology.
Though they are worried as my Breast is dimpled.
Hi Leekim!
What you are feeling is perfectly normal! I was diagnosed in February.
I had skin puckering which I saw before I found the lump!
Thank goodness my 14 year old daughter had moved a mirror or I wouldn’t have found it!
It is overwhelming but we will get through this!
Sandra x
Hi xx
I too am recently diagnosed and I’m booked in for an MRI tomorrow. I have a question that I maybe should have asked the nurse but hoping maybe someone will have experience with this. I found my lump first then 2 weeks later noticed the puckering which is right up under where your underwire of your bra would be. My question is does the puckering mean the breast tissue is affected also or is it related to the lump? Thank you in advance if anyone knows. Hugs for you Leekim, take one day at a time is the best advice I’ve been given, the support in this forum is incredible xx
hi Sandra, you mentioned puckering of the skin, what sort of cancer do you have , my head is taking me to the worst type!!
Yes the puckering is a worry , the dr who examined me actually said this to me. I hope that the Tumour is localised in the breast . The whole situation lunges us into a new world, language and space. If I come out the other side it will change me forever. I’m not going to work as hard I’m going to do more for me and be with family and friends as much as I can.
Thank you to everyone who has responded to my previous posts your comments are really helpfulxx
Hi Leekim!
I was told if I was going to get breast cancer it’s the best type! Grade 2 er+ her 2 -
The lump was attached to the skin which made it pucker! It was 3cm!
I have had a lumpectomy with clear margins and sentinal node had a micromet on!
I have decided to have an axillary dissection which will happen next week!
Not sure what happens after that…radiotherapy yes! Tamoxifen yes! Terrified if I need chemo! The thought is making me ill!
Sandra x
Sandra - mine was the same as yours. I also had an indentation when i lifted my arm above my head - I understand the tumour is causing it as it pulls the skin/breast tissue up when you stretch if you know what I mean. Mine was invasive but had mx and all gone now. I would have needed radiotherapy if had lumpectomy but having mx I didn’t require it. Just Tamoxifen daily now. Hopefully you won’t need chemo with grade 2 (that’s why I didn’t need it).
I am pleased you had a good result!
I still have a blue boobie they said it could last a year! The trouble was during my op the registrar spilt some down my arm and apologised afterwards!
Sandra x
I was told that mine is definitely cancer just don’t know what stage or type, my fingers are crossed that it’s not too bad I’m very tired though:( think it’s the shock
Hi Leekim!
I think anxiety is the thing that makes you tired! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but you will be looked after and treated!
Sandra x
Trisha r u by any chance in Belfast ??
Hi my names Barbara I’m 65 in June and was diagnosed yesterday. I’ve just told my son and my daughter in Australia is ringing me today. Telling my kids is upsetting me more than the op!! It’s stage 2 they offered me mastectomy or lumpectomy at first I just said take it all away then my surgeon said it was a bit drastic and I am going in as a day patien on the 16th of May but I’m still having doubts about the lumpectomy as opposed to mastectomy any help would be appreciated ?
My plan was lumpectomy but after MRI finding 10 areas of tiny malignant areas I had a mastectomy. If I hadn’t had the MRI I would not have known about the other areas and had the lumpectomy - all that would have happened then is they wouldn’t have got clear margins following the lumpectomy - resulting in a mastectomy anyway. I would follow your consultants advice and if you opt for a lumpectomy and have clear margins then brilliant, you would have made the right choice. If the margins aren’t clear then worse case is having to go back in for a possible mastectomy. I didn’t end up with the choice due to all the areas but would have been happy with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy as was also told same outcome.
Hi and thank you so much for all your replies. I still don’t know what to do but have my admission appointment this Friday so may ask a bit more then. I am going to tell my surgeon if it looks bad to take it all off I don’t want a bit chopped off and look awful I like my boobs as we all do so it’s either got to be not noticed or all off and a new one !! Also I haven’t been offered mri scans and I have an irritable cough I’ve had since I stopped smoking years ago. Had it checked out several years ago and they said maybe start of copd but more worried now obviously. Should I ask for an mri or is ignorance bliss ? ?? Or will they give me one anyway ??
Hi to all. I’ve been on another forum (March starters) but now think it meant starting treatment not just joining this club. (bit slow lol)I follow the plain speaking here better than medical jargon that I’m not up on yet so hope I can join you ladies. I was diagnosed Feb with ILC & had mastectomy 27th March. 9 nodes removed & only 2 clear. I’m having CT scan on Thurs so chemo & radiation on the cards. You all sound so brave so hoping it rubs off on me.
Good luck to us all xx
Hi Barbara,
As Optimissy says, apart from a small scar, my boobs look the same, my bc was small at 7mms.
Mri scans are not routine & are offered to those with a lobular bc diagnosis & younger women & or those with dense breasts. I had an mri for that reason, as there was a suspicion of lobular bc (which may not show up on mammo) & I also had ‘young’ dense breasts, so felt quite flattered in an odd sort of way!
ann x