Diarrhoea on Xeloda

Hi sorry for such a graphic title but I’m at my wits end. I have just finished my 4th course of Xeloda and managed really well.(finished on Tuesday)
However the diarrhoea started last Saturday and a week later I still have it. I have tried the medication given by hospital which stops it for a while but the next time I have to go to the loo it’s as bad as ever.
Yeterday I tried fasting thinking it may be a bug and no trouble yesterday but today when I started to eat it’s as bad as ever.
Sorry to put such a title on forum but I am wondering if any other folks out there on the same drug had any problems.
I spoke to hospital and they suggested a strong drug but my GP not keen to go down this route.

A desperate MuddyXX

I have to take codeine for an arthritic knee and my GP said to take up to 8 codeine per day which had the effect of stopping the diarrhea.

Hi Muddy, what dose Xeloda are you on? If it’s quite high it might be possible to reduce the dose and the treatment can still be very effective. But don’t put up with the side effect…and after all the strong drug your GP is not keen on may only need to be used for a short while. My Xeloda dose was lowered as I was started on the highest dose which started to effect my feet. Since I’ve been on a lower dose my tumour markers have gone down further and there’s no cancer activity at all at the moment. Hope…apart from the side effects…Xeloda’s working well for you…x

I’m on high dose 2150mg twice a day so I suppose thats as igh as they can give me. I dont know yet if it is working as I 've had no scan. i can only hope it id doing good after all this grief.
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply to me.

Hi Muddy

That is quite a high dose so I’d say talk to your onc about reducing dose.

When I got very bad diarrhoea on xeloda my dose was reduced (this happened twice.) The diarhhoea was horrific the first time …though only lasted 48 hours…immodium eventually worked. You do need something strong to get it under control. Try to drink plenty of water…helps the dehydration.

Bowels under or overworking…horrible.


Hi again, I agree with Jane that’s a high dose you’re taking…I was on 2,300 mgs and feel better on a lower dose…x

I am on 2150 mg Xeloda. My understanding is that the decision on dose is at least partly related to one’s weight (as with other chemo drugs). Which does not mean it can’t be adjusted for other reasons of course.

I find that the co-codomal (codeine + paracetomol) I take for pain relief counteracts the tendency to diarrhoea caused by Xeloda. I have had occasional episodes even so, when I have found Immodeum helps. It did take about 24 hours to settle with Immodeum.

I would have thought if hospital recommends a drug then GP would prescribe, but I suppose there may be other considerations. I know it is difficult to deal with the hassle of contacting hospital and/or GP when you are not well, but I would encourage you to make another couple of phonecalls to try to get some medication that works. Do you have a hospice or community nurse who could offer support contacting hospital/GP?

Hope you feel better soon,


Thanks folks
Spent another day feeling rough am ging to get in touch with GP tomorrow morning and see what he suggests. I feel really weak and miserable.

thanks for taking the trouble to reply.

Hi Muddy

Hope you managed to get something sorted. I tend to get diarrhoea for 2-3 days on xeloda in the 2nd week, and have to take immodium regularly on those days (not just one or two doses). Your dose though is high, so hopefully the hospital might reduce it a bit, cos it is so tiring and miserable otherwise.

Take care K x