Did anyone else have lymph nodes removed with mastectomy?

I guess there are no definitive protocols for any treatments, including DCIS. I had DCIS and had no nodes removed. This was because the area was small and no invasive cancer suspected. If the area is widespread, they will take nodes to make sure. The variations for DCIS must be numerous, so there will be no one size fits all treatment. I believe that my particular DCIS has a very high chance of being cured. This is not to say I may be very unlucky and it returns or I may get another primary tumour, but I am happy at the moment.

Hi,my BCN told me that DCIS is none invasive and is contained in the ducts and has not yet developed the ability to spread so the nodes would not have been infected and would not need to be removed.I had DCIS and IDC(invasive ductal cancer).It all gets a bit confusing does’nt it.

love mellx

They must think mine has spread then even though only showing 2 small areas on mamo

hi horsemad or any body else this question can help or try to help. hi there i am 2 week post op from masectomy and reconstruction i had 2 large areas of dcis thats why i had a masectomy i had a snb where they took a few of my lymph nodes while under for the masectomy they told me it was due to being 2 large areas of dcis they wanted to check the lymph nodes due to more areas or widespread dcis more chance of it invading plus i had a very swollen breast and they said given my age 26 its normally bc they see not dcis luckly for me my lymph nodes were clear and no invasion all dcis. every body is different but if you have dcis widespread they seem to check the lymph nodes which is good at least you know they are checking you thourgh the thing is you have different grades for dcis as well and if your high like mine was its means its more chance of it invading well this what i was told i have every faith they know what they are doing everybodys cancer is different but i belive they know when to check the lymph nodes and when not my consultat did say its very unlikely to spread to the lymph nodes with dcis normally it has the ability to go to the lymph nodes when it has invaded any wayi do hope this helps im only reeling from what i have been told my self best of luck xxxx

I also had widespread DCIS all high grade and I had sentinel node biopsy which thank goodness was clear. One patch was also in the upper and outer quadrant of my breast so I think thats why I had SNB.

I had a lumpectomy in my right breast at the end of October 2007, I was told it was a very small lump. I was then told by the consultant that they had found signs of more tumours during the operation and needed to have a mastectomy, these were apparently scattered tumours and they would need to eliminate further tumours in my left breast as it was normal for these to be spread over both breasts. I had a mastectomy of the right breast in December 2007 and was informed just before going into the operating theatre that there were signs of cancer on the left side and they would do a deep core biopsy - this showed LCIS. I had a mastectomy of the left breast on 19th February 2009, they didn’t remove any nodes as I was told there was no need but reading through the comments, I am starting to worry that they should have had removed some to check if nothing else.

hi. I’m new here. i had letf mastectomy and 12 cancerous lymph nodes reomved on 17th feb 2009. I’m still in alot of pain and cannot raise hand above head. Need to have radiotherapy in 3 weeks. Are you still in pain and swollen?

Hi Zoe,
I had mastectomy 6 weeks ago today 19/01/09 and still have slight twinges and small swelling around armpit so it is still very early days for you, keep up the excercises they really help. I think on average it is about 6-8 weeks, the prothesis nurse told me not to make a appointment with her before them as she would see me.

Best wishes

Hi both

My consultant explained that they now take the minimum possible number of lymph nodes in order to get the best result along with the lowest risk of Lymphoedema (which by all accounts is a pretty horrible condition). So in my case they took six nodes, only one of which was cancerous. They are now going to start me on chemo to do the ‘belt and braces’ bit and zap anything that has managed to get away.

My op was on 12 Feb, and yes I’m still a bit sore and have not yet regained full movement of the relevant shoulder - it is improving day by day though, thanks to the physio exercises. If yours isn’t responding I’d ring and have a chat with your BC nurse.

Hope this helps,
Rosie the Womble

Hi Sharon
I am having several weeks between ops. I asked my BC nurse to have second op a.s.a.p but was told i needed to recover some what from the first + the fact that the tumor & lymph was remove the c. would not do much in a few weeks? Hope this helps!

I was recently dx in late Jan and had a WLE + SNB(2cm,grade 3+sml dcis, ER+ Her2-) early Feb. I am going for 2nd surgery in 2wks for, hopefully, clearer margins and LN clearance as 1 of the 2 nodes were positive(can’t really understand why i need them all out)?
Chemo is planned 3-4wks after surgery followed by rads & tamoxifen(why can’t i just get my ovaries taken away as my c is oestogen receptive)?
My scars after 4wks have healed well but i am left with a very sensitive nipple in which i cannot bear clothes/anything touching me. It is stopping me from the getting out and about & every step or bump is agony and i walk around most of the time like the ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and it doesn’t seem to be easing!
If this does not go, i would consider having a mastectomy at my next surgery rather than being left like this! Sorry for not being more positive but i find this all rather new and scary! Please help?