did not think the waiting would be soooo bad

found a lump and went to docs on tuesday he felt it also. He has referred me to the breast clinic and have already received an appointment for next wednesday for a triple assessment. Can anyone tell me if this is normal/usual and what to expect. I am 49 with 2 kids (27 & 25)and a tortoise! must admit I never thought I could feel so scared, is this usual also. Any thoughts or info will be very gratefully received.

So sorry to hear that you are going through this worrying time - and yes what you are feeling is common… I think most people on here would say that the wait to find out if you have cancer is one of the worst parts as your mind imagines all sorts of things - normally the worst…

If you are having the triple assessment your unit must do a one stop clinic - which means you should hopefully come away with a good idea if you have cancer or not…

They begin by someone examining you and discussing when you noticed the lump and any family history…

You normally then go for a mammogram and an ultrasound… (in certain cases they may send you straight for ultrasound…) If they can see a lump they can do biopsys using the ultrasound to guide them… This can be either a fine needle or a core biopsy which is done using a device that makes a noise a bit like an electric stapler (they do numb the area if that is going to happen…)

In some cases they can say straight away if it is cancer or a fibroid or cyst… but they might tell you they need to wait for lab results to confirm… However if they do strongly suspect it is cancer they will tell you that.

For all the tests etc there will be a nurse in the room as well as the doctor…

Once again - so sorry that you are going through all this… {{{hugs}}}

Take care - and keep posting it really does help to talk to others in the same boat…


and do remember not all lumps are cancer - far from it…

Dear rosemaggiemay

BCC have a booklet “Referral to a breast clinic” which explains what to expect at your appointment, what tests they may do etc. You can download a copy by clicking on this link:


The Breast Cancer Care Helpline staff are also here to give you support and information. It is open from 9.00am-5.00pm on weekdays and 9.00am-2.00pm on Saturdays.

Kindest regarsd



Yes the qwick referal is normal and comes under best practice.
I went to a one stop clininc and like the previos post said it’s all done in one.
First the chat and discussion, then the mamogram then ultrasound where they may do the biopsys or needle aspiration (as someone whos a wimp was rather scared of this but was ok, although the needle aspiration is the worse). Then they usually have some idea there and then, if they are suspicious they may ask if you want to wait for the biopsy results as sometimes they can get a deffinate qwickly but not always.
All in all takes about 2 to 4 hours, take something to try to occupy you (not easy when your scared silly) and maybe a drink and some munchies.
Also if possible try to take someone with you.

If its a good center then there should be a chance to talk to a BCNurse who can answere Q’s for you and they should give you information stuff you can take away and read, also for me as they were almost certain they gave me a number to phone in case I needed to talk or just ask random Q’s.

The fear and horror is almost tangable and I dont think it goes unless you get the all clear. Also do not expect to try to be ‘normal’ until you know because your brain does go to mush and trying to think of other things is quite hard.

Pleasse let us know how you get on. Everyone on here will be with you.
Try not to look at too much stuff on line as some is grate, some is rubbish and its easy to scare yourself even more.

Thinking of you

I think its all been said by the lovely ladies before me, So can I just wish you luck darl. Let us know how you got on.xxx

and from me too

Jane x

thanks everyone for the lovely words - I will let you know what happens on wednesday. rosemaggiemay

And me. It’s all entirely normal to feel the way you do. I had a triple assessment but had to wait a week for results, although I could tell from people’s body language that it wasn’t likely to be good news nobody actually said so until I went back for results.

Keep bearing in mind that it is FAR more likely to be nothing to worry about than anything nasty. The quick referral is down to NICE guidelines and not necessarily anything to worry about.

Just wanted to add my thoughts and over the internet hugs are with you.

As has been said it’s completely normal to feel the way you do and quick is good because it helps you know what is going on sooner and NOT bad because they think ‘oh dear’ when examining you ‘get her in quickly’.

Keep posting, it’s good to talk and we’re all here for you.

Debs x

Good luck with your appointment, I have mine tomorrow afternoon am not looking forward to it either but its better to know than be in the dark about whats happening I reckon.

concerned - good luck with the appointment tomorrow my fingers and toes are crossed hoping for good news.

What does a lump feel like? I’m not sure whether what I’m pressing is a bone or a lump. Does it hurt if you push it?

Hi joco23

Welcome to the forums. While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications that may help you. Also if you feel you need to talk to someone in confidence then please phone our helpline where you can discuss your concerns with one of the breast care nurses here. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open M-F 9-5 and Sat 9-2. Hope this helps


Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator