Did you have chemo this Friday?

Bit of a long shot and I hope I don’t get banned for this! Hoping to trace someone I met on Friday. There was a mix up with our paperwork. I was just having the goserelin injection but there was confusion over the meds I was picking up at the same time. For some reason the nurse thought I needed tamoxifen too but I have plenty!
Anyway, if you’re on here you know who you are. You kindly dropped round some paperwork for me but I don’t have any paperwork for you. I’m sorry, I’m also confused as to this paperwork you dropped off for me - it has my name on it but I don’t know the doctor on it and I don’t normally take any paperwork with me to my blood tests :person_shrugging: plus I’m not actually on chemo anymore. (Unless of course they just put that on all next day bloods) the only other reason I could need the calcium test done, I’m guessing is if I’m going to start zometa- which has been put off. Anyway that’s not your problem, I just wanted to say - I don’t have your paperwork. If you think this might be you, feel free to inbox me.
I have left a message with the breast care nurses but obviously it’s Saturday and then Christmas so unlikely this will be resolved before Wednesday xx


Sprout78 :heart: you should let your unit know as soon as you can about this for you and for the other patient this has impacted so they can sort their error asap, ring the rapid response and let them know there has been an error on their part. Not acceptable at all that that’s happened. :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I’ve left a message on the breast care nurse’s answer phone but don’t have a rapid response number. I did think about phoning the chemo 24hr line but wasn’t sure if this warranted that. I might phone them tomorrow though, if you think I should. Trouble is I never asked the woman her name. I will try though.

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Sprout78​:heart: you should definitely contact your team and advise them of the mix up. Give them all the information you have, they need to deal with the error that they have made and by the sound of it be aware that an error has been made because it sounds to me like they don’t even know this has happened. So please do contact your trust, speak to pals office if no one in onc but there should be someone on cdu. Sorry you find yourself having to deal with their error while taking care of yourself too :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hope you get through to your team/trust sorout78 :crossed_fingers::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Sorry, I haven’t replied sooner but thought I’d give you an update. The breast care nurses got back to me and didn’t know what to say except that they don’t ask patients to give other patients their paperwork (you don’t say :roll_eyes:) anyway had a telephone appointment just the other day and told the nurse then. Obviously a bit late for the other lady but she said she would flag it up as a breach of confidentiality. I did get a call from another nurse trying to identify the other lady. Not much more I could do but at least they are now awarebof the error.

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