Hi ladies, of all the stupid things to worry about, the one that is causing me a bit of concern at the moment is being told that radiotherapy might shrink my boob (yep, I’m THAT vain!) I’m a G cup so it’s not as if I can’t afford some shrinkage I suppose, but now that I’m almost 4 weeks post surgery and the swelling is going down, I can see that the treated boob is already noticeably smaller than the other one so am worrying about being totally lopsided once the rads are underway/done.
Did any of you get shrinkage and if you did, was it much?
Hi Sharon, my breast swelled up after radiotherapy, I’m about a cup size bigger now on the treated side. My onc told me the swelling would go down and my breast would probably shrink, it never has. More than 2 years later and it’s still exactly the same. Hope this helps x
Thanks Chascat, that’s reassuring
Thanks Lavendersblue, that’s exactly what I’m worried about and I doubt I’ll be able to cope with it nearly well as you. Were you ever offered the opportunity of having the non-treated boob reduced to match?
Thanks ladies, I think I’ll stop worrying about it for now and see how it looks when I get to the end of radiotherapy in April. I imagine they would operate on the ‘good’ boob if I needed/wanted it but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens (sooooooo not loving this being out of control of my own body!)
Question for Lavendersblue, if you don’t mind sharing…over roughly what duration of time after end of radio would you say shrinkage occurred?
Gerbera - I’m quite lopsided following op…difficult to say whether radio has caused further shrinkage since was swollen for fair time in area of boosters.
I’m trying prosthesis but yet to find one which works for me…I find my skin gets ridges in it, goes pink and feels itchy and uncomfortable…following up since one fitter reckons I may be allergic to silicone! Argh!
Hence while I don’t really want to contemplate a reduction…going around with one e-ish and one g isn’t the best (though agree its amazing what a loose top covers), necklines pull etc…and can cause strain re out of balance with back, so not totally ruling out a review at some point.
Does anyone know how long after radio risk of shrinkage stops?
Hi Sharon,
Following WLE, SNB and rads last year i am due to have symmetrisation surgery next month. Personally will be pleased to feel well supported again in the bra dept. As nothing is quite workung atm
Good luck with the rads x x
Thanks Lexilou, much as I hate the thought of more surgery, if I do end up very lopsided I think I will have the other one reduced to match but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how I end up. Good luck with your surgery, hope it works out well and let us know how you get on.
Please do stop by to say hello now and again Beryl, we’ll miss you and be keen to hear how you are getting on. Hopefully your healing will be straightforward from now on and you’ll be our source of wisdom on how to get your life back together after the dreaded ‘C’
Take care
I thought I should just add a little update to this in case anyone else has the same question. Having done a bit of research it seems that about 30% of us will get some shrinkage as a result of radiation but only 10% of us will get it to a significant degree and it tends to be those of us with larger breasts who are most affected (not surprising really I suppose)
During recent follow up asked radio oncologist how long shrinkage could go on for and was told up to a year…not instantaneously!
Crikey. i’m an H cup, so expecting mine to be the incredible shrinking boob! Already looks a bit mangled and another op to come! Probably be able to exhibit it at Tate Modern, as a piece of art by the end of treatment, lol. Xx
Just had a bit of a lightbulb moment as I surveyed the state of my lopsided boobs so thought I’d share. I remember reading that irradiated boobs don’t change shape/size with age or weight gain in the same way that normal ones do, which means that the irradiated one will always look pretty much the size/shape it was post-surgery. So…my lightbulb moment today was the realisation that the reason I look lopsided is nothing to do with radiation shrinkage, but that I’m a stone heavier than I was post-surgery (dang that pesky cake with its siren call!) so my good boob has got fat :womanlol: Right, back to the diet it is then…and I hope I don’t get any radiation shrinkage or I’m going to have to go on starvation rations to keep my boobs symmetrical!
Hi tibetone and all,
I am one year post initial surgery , 6 months post rads, and 1 month post symmetrisation surgery. Am on anastrazole, of which i had read weight gain can be an issue. 12 weeks of slimming world later i declared my ideal weight with my bmi around 24 as my treated breast was starting to have some lumpiness become more prominent.
My surgeon offered me bilateral reduction style breast surgery for the initial operation, or the delayed matching as the side needing treatment may need further surgery or change shape due to radiotherapy.
I did need SNB after first op, but no further remodelling of treated breast.
Delighted now to have been matched, found the year of odd less troubling as it progressed but was acutely aware at first.
Have found M&S do some post op bras… ordered and paid for mine online, collected from local store, where i promptly tried them on. Very soft over my upside down T shaped scars, and have pockets for protheses. After a year of sports bras loving the softness and more feminine look.
Good luck with your decisions … hope the above helps.
Loving the Tate Modern Fuffs x x
One happy LL x x
I was diagnosed with DCIS (stage 0) in 2006. According to the pathology report, the tumour was barely millimetres in size. NO ONE told me there would be breast shrinkage after radiation. I had perfectly symmetrical breasts before radiation. The untreated breast is now D-cup due to age and weight gain while the treated breast is barely a C-cup. Why was I not informed beforehand? I NOW cannot get a bra to fit. I am very sorry I had radiation. I guess to male doctors this is not a big enough side effect to mention.
I don’t regard it as vain. All my friends are shocked at how this has affected me mentally, emotionally. I am the pragmatic, cold emotionless person normally but, when diagnosed albeit delayed due to NHS ineptness I have become the protective one concerning what I now have to look at in the mirror. I hate it (the treated one ) it looks like an arse. I will never undress in front of a man again and feel I would not ever want a relationship again. When your journey was completed it post rads and surgery or post-chemo, rads surgery did the symmetry also include removal of the nipple to match the treated one? Was a tattoo one on both? Right now I hate how I look and feel.