I am about to have DIEP and reduction and wanted to know if anyone else has had both done at the same time? My PS has said its better to wait and have reduction done a later date but I am sick of hospitals/appt etc and just want it over with, he has said that if theatre time runs out because DIEP taking to long then he will do reduction at later date - so wont know for sure until I wake up!! I want to go from D cup to B. Have seen the PS again today and not convinced he will do both, I know I’m being impatient but am desperate to get life and body back to some kind of normality. Can anyone tell me how they felt after reduction and if please with results.
Clare (S)
Hi Clare
I had DIEP on July 5th and asked for reduction at same time - i want to go from D to C cup. He said if he had time - the op took 8 hours and there were no complications and he felt that was enough. So I nagged him to do reduction at the earliest opportunity - booked for Nov 7th…can’t wait.
I have to say that although a bit lopsided ( I butchered a foam ‘boob’ and slip that into my mastectomy bra) I can see why he preferred to wait. The new boob does change quite a bit in the first 6-8 weeks so I guess I will get a better match by waiting.
I know you feel impatient but I have not found this wait too hard (admittedly I spent 10 weeks off work which probably helped!!!) but I am back now for a few weeks then I have the next op - then it will all be over!!!
Is your op very soon? mine was in salisbury and I was so impressed - it really was not too bad.
Good luck
Hi Jan
I’m also going to Salisbury (Mr Teirnan) please tell me all - its good to talk to someone that has first hand experience, I know I’m being impatient but I’ve only been in my new job 3 months and although they are fine with me taking time off - I still feel bad having to take time off. How was your recovery period - there are so many questions I would like to ask - please send me a message if that’s ok?
We may even be in at the same time? I’m due to go in on the 12th Nov.
Clare (S)
Hi Clare
I cannot figure this private messages??? How do you get them??? I am so computer illiterate!!! Jan
I was trying to work out same thing - I think if you put the user name of person trying to contact in the send to private message box and then look under categories scroll to private messages and then it may be in there!!! or not I have sent you one see if its in there?
If you are the same clares as on bc pals I have sent you my number on there!!!
jan x
Hi Clare
I had a reduction done at the same time as a skin-saving mastectomy with saline expander (with a view to having a DIEP later) on 17 September.
I reduced from a Jordanesque 34HH to 34DD, which feels right for my 5’ 7’’ height and hourglass figure. I am absolutely delighted with the results! It feels really life-enhancing and the one thing that I’ve got out of the whole cancer experience for myself. I can honestly say that the reduction has caused me no pain (although that wasn’t my cousin’s experience when she had BC - everyone’s body reacts differently). The dressings were able to be removed after 2 weeks and it’s healing really well. Am currently massaging the scars with vitamin E cream.