DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hello everyone hope you have all had a nice day. Sarah i had Ld recon so cant help you with advice on the dressings but like Helen says not long till monday.
Helen hope the fluid in your stomach isnt causing you too much discomfort.
Where is Christina and Anne? Hope you are both ok.
Goodnight all Helen2XX

hi everyone,

just a quickie to say all is well where i am and hope it is the same for you, helen2 by this time next week will you be done? gosh and then it’s me… stop cleaning now and enjoy the sunshine over these next few days…

helen, you are amazing how you keep track of all of us… sarah f i have sent you a pm… so glad to have found you hope anne and the other sarah are doing well…

take care,



Morning all…blimey Lenny you were either up late or up early…lol :wink: . Mind on other things I bet. Well its gorgeous weather this morning, the sun streaming in the window woke me up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Don’t want to waste all this sun!!!

Hi to Anne, Helen, Christina and Sarahs …the sun should help you recover a bit faster…it makes you want to go out and run through fields of poppies and other wild flowers…er well that won’t actually happen for a bit yet…but doesn’t stop you from dreaming…lol:-) sorry just waffling!!


Hi all.Glad to hear you are all doing so well.Long may it continue.

Went to hospital yesterday for wound check, saw surgeon. He is drop dead gorgeouus called Rory and he could make you roar!!! Anyway back to normality he is happy wirh my progress though told me to slow down and stop trying to run before i can walk. As he said its a much bigger and more painful recovery then after your mx.

I’m still very sore round the expander port, feels raw.He said it looks ok and boob slightly swollen but nothing to worry about.He will give me little longer to recover before i start being pumped up. So don’t have to go back for 4 weeks then will probably have other boob done in 3 to 6 months which will be great.

Hezb, how long after your LD before you were able to cope without pain relief? And does the soreness disapear all together in time?

Lenny i think you are being so positive and i hope you will soon be back on here telling us all about your fantastic cleavage

Hello guys, lenny i havent been cleaning today just enjoying the sun!
I am very excited for next week its been a long haul! not long also for you and you will feel great once its over.
Helen wont be long before your running through those fields of poppies.
Christina i do agree you need to take it easy although it is very difficult for us women! stopped the pain relief about a week after getting out of hospital was in a week. It was making me very constipated so had no choice really. The pain will suddenly disapear in time do avoid any heavy lifting as it still bothers me when i lift something heavy and my ld was 6 months ago, i do think your body tells you when you need to rest, take it easy. Love to all Helen2XX

It’ll be a while before I’m running through any fields of poppies !

Had problems with one of my wounds today oozing a lot - I think it may have been a drain hole under my arm. My cousin is a nurse and came round and put another dressing on it and it seems to have settled down now. I also phoned the ward and they said if I was worried or felt unwell to come in which is reassuring. Hopefully I can hang on until Monday now.

I have managed to cut down in the last 2 days to painkillers 3 times a day instead of 4 so that’s progress I guess. Was everybody just on paracetamol by the time they came out of hospital?

Hope everyone enjoys the sunshine this weekend and takes things easy !
Sarah (F)

Hi Sarah (f)… no didn’t just have paracetamol. At first it was important to keep topped up, then as time went by just took painkillers before it got too bad. Think it was codeine and 2 paracetamol 500mg 4 times a day. I did that for about 5 days then cut down to three. I tried to cut out codeine. Then gradually less paracetamol. Then I alternated between paracetamol and ibrufen. So basically Sarah, wean yourself off as you feel the need. I don’t have any now , well just occasionally at night time to ease stiffness, before sleeping.
Sounds like your drain hole was not quite healed up and the fluid needed to come out!!! Glad you got your dressing sorted.

I bet we will all be running through poppy fields in the very near future…
sleep well

Running through poppy fields sounds wonderful, though there would be a few oohs and aahs from me as i am still in pain.Sometimes feels like little firecrakers going off inside new boob. Not sure if its nerve endings trying to reconnect themselves but wish they could do it quietly as it hurts.I’m not good with pain even after having four sons, so after reading your brave postings guess i’m a bit of a wimp.

I am now on dihydrocodeine 2 x 4 times a day. Find them better then the codeine paracetomol combo and constipation easier with them too.

Had no problems with fluid build up thank goodness. Also admitted to myself now that when it hurts i have to stop and slow down to let my body heal. Trouble is you always feel so damn guilty when the ironing and housework is building up.

Always great to hear from you brave souls on here. You are all inspirational.

Hi everybody

Not been on here as I’ve been whimping out suffering with this damn cold. Really been annoyed at myself for getting down in the mouth, but I suppose it just takes something daft to tip you over the edge.

One saving grace is that I didn’t have it a couple of weeks earlier. To keep coughing on these wounds is not good, but would have been pretty awful then.

Anyway, moan over, plan to get in the garden today, but tried to dig a little and that’s still not happening. Know what you mean about the firecrakers Cristina - my PS said its the stitches.

Most of my breast pain seems muscular now, still quite tender on tummy scar though.

Hello to SarahF - good luck with your wound - take it easy.

Helen - like the sound of that poppy field - will see you there, with a glass of bubbly of course!

Anne x

Hello everyone, got a letter this am they have cancelled my op!!
I am absolutely devastated!! Anne glad to see you back posting hope your ok we all get down its only normal i certainly feel down today!! Helen2XX

Oh Helen - I am so sorry, you must be feel so shattered. Have they given you any reason, future date or anything?

Cyber hugs
Anne x

Oh Helen…what a bummer…did they give a reason and did they suggest another date? sorry Anne you’ve just said that…bet you are feeling down. You pysche yourself up for an op so when it doesn’t happen its a bad let down. But they will have to give you another date love …so try to keep your chin up!! Have a rant…we will listen!
Anne hope the cold is getting better…it probably helps that at least the weather is great…the rays are pretty healing…yep my tummy feels like its at full stretch…must be ready for popping!!!
I think we are all gonna have blips of emotion now and then and out of the blue, for no particular reason…we’ve all been through the mill…so even though we’re coming out the other end…so to speak…we are bound to have and need occasional hicups, to keep us feeling upbeat. Surprising how more upbeat you can feel after a good cry…can be cleansing.
Christina…ironing!! have you not managed to ‘pass’ that job on to any one else! Doesn’t matter if you haven’t I believe ‘creased’ clothes are going to be all the rage this year…Glad you have slowed down a little…think of you…

Hi Sarahs and Lenny hope the day was nice for you too…all have a good one tomorrow!

Hi anne, No the letter just said we cannot give another date as yet
and they will be in touch very soon. Just needed to put some closure to all this it is almost 2 years since i first went to see my ps, its seems to have gone on so long. So sorry to moan but feel so low.

Sorry Helen must of just crossed you. Thankyou for that Helen2XX

Hi Helen2 - sorry to hear about your cancellation. I had my first date cancelled with 3 weeks to go and was very fed up as I was getting psyched up for the date by then. At least they gave me a new date in the same letter - it was 6 weeks later on. My friends kept trying to be positive and telling me that at least the weather would be better - they’ve been right about that !
Hope you get a new date soon so that you can start focusing on that.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Yesterday I pottered in and out of the garden and then my tummy was killing me so had to dose myself up again. It’s hard getting the balance right I find.

Lenny - speak later ?

Hi Helen,

I have only just read your post - I’m so sorry to hear about your op being cancelled, I know exactly how you feel as you know. It is so frustrating when you get yourself mentally and physically prepared for your surgery and that happens.

One thing I will say is, don’t do what I did and never really pestered them enough for a new date - they must have thought I was a soft touch as I have ended up waiting another 3 months (and who knows I may still be cancelled again)if you haven’t had a new date soon get in touch with PALS, there’s usually one based at the hospital and they’re supposed to be very helpful.

Anyway, I do hope you hear very soon and don’t have to wait long for your operation.


Tracy x

Morning everyone on this lovely day…again!!
Hope all are recovering well…take it easy and let the ‘rays’ do their work too.
Helen I hope you get to hear something very soon about the operation. Feel for you love. Try and enjoy the sun.
Hi to Sarahs, Christina, Lenny and Anne …enjoy the sun…


Morning all. So sorry to hear of your op being cancelled Helen 2.It must be such a let down after getting yourself so psyched up and like you say it’s closure. Which is why we are all on this topic.Hope the post brings good news soon and everything goes just as you wish it too…

Weather fantastic here in Leicester too.Went to cinema yesterday, first time in 8 years as husband won’t go.Saw “Drag me to hell” as son wanted to see it.Please don’t anyone else go and see this load of twaddle. I fell asleep half way through, thats how scary it is.

Sarah, i am learning to pace myself more and listen to my body.If it hurts it means i need to slow down. I know its frustrating after we have all been through so much, but we have such a lot to be grateful to these fantastic surgeons for.

Anne hope the cold is getting better. At least you can sit in the sun and get lots of vitamin D.

Lenny another week to go to meet your new boob and have a cleavage again. Hope everythings ok with you.

To all of you on here a very big thank you, it is so good to be a member of this club.

Morning all - another wonderful sunny day.
Been up to the hospital this morning for dressing check - all ok now so just have tape covering everywhere. They said to keep this on for about 5 weeks. Then saw my PS who was pleased with how everything looked - spoke about not driving until tummy and boob can cope with seatbelt during an emergency stop. Also said to leave getting measured for wired bra for about 3 months when all the swelling should have gone down. Have you had similar advice ?
Next appointment for 2 months time.

The nurse asked if I had a sleep during the day and I said I had stopped now but I did still rest on my bed for a while if needed. She said those that rest more when needed actually recover quicker in the long run than those that push themselves too much so take heed everyone ! I went for a walk around the block yesterday, very pleased with myself but boy was my tummy stiff and sore last night !

Enjoy the sunshine

Hi Sarah, glad to hear your dressing check went well. I actually had my dressings removed week after my op. Suppose it differs depending on which op you have.

I have started wearing a bra for short periods, feels so good to put a bra on again and actually have 2 boobs to put in. That was hardest part i found after mx, when they put your bra on before discharge and you only have one boob. That really upset me. Bra i am trying is not underwired, that would be too sore, but i am looking forward in future to go for my first bra fitting.

Can see where they are coming from when they say about resting up. Especially after all you have been through. Has it put you off having next op?

My son is at home at the moment from newcastle so feels guilty if i leave him sitting round house bored. Which can make me feel really exhausted at times, but he goes home Thursday and want to make his hols special for him. He has had a rough ride since his relationship broke up after 5 years.