DIEP booked 18 April - EEek

Hi everybody.
Two years on from mastectomy am now booked in for my new cleavage! Really strange feeling, excited - be only tooo pleased to be rid of that squishy heavy thing that hangs in my bra - but really nervous, why am I putting myself through more stress?? I know the answer of course, just now the dates actually booked I’m starting to freak.

Am having this done with plastic surgeon Mr Ramakrishnan at Nuffield Hospt. Brentwood and any advice/tips/encouragement would be most welcome.

Anne x

Good luck. I just wish I could make up my mind on what to do about this cleavage of mine. I feel I can’t move on until I have decided what to do. I wish you all the best, I am sure it will be fine.


Hi Sophie

If you are undecided about having a reconstruction you may find the BCC booklet on reconstruction helpful. It includes a lot of information on different types of reconstruction which could help. If you would like a copy please go to the following link:-


BCC also run information sessions on reconstruction in different areas of the country. If you are interested please go to


I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thanks Sophie

Know exactly how you feel. Have gone over this over and over again with family/friends/brain and didn’t finally make up my mind until I discussed it with the surgeon who then put me in touch with women who had undergone recon. They were brilliant and very brave ladies and I hope I have the nerve to show my battle scars to others in the not too distant future.

Thanks for your kind words and good luck with your decision.


I had a diep on Feb 28th. I asked myself why I was doing it, the answer was because I can which was pretty daft. My op seemed ages away so I didnt worry too much then all of a sudden it was the next day and all my doubts surfaced.

Its now 12 days later (I know its still early days), but I can honestly say that I have had no pain, I am walking nearly straight, the only thing is that I sleep alot, (But I think its cos I am bored) My result on the recon side are fantastic.

So far my advice would be - dont worry, let everyone else do the worrying, you just concerntrate on yourself, easier said then done until you experience this wonderful pain free operation.

Good luck and dont worry


Thanks Pancake (love the name!)

Just what the doctor ordered. Anything I should take in with me - comfy bra, little/big knickers etc etc. All hints and tips appreciated.

Thanks again, am actually getting excited.


I had my recon done on 28 jan
love my new boob
I was told to bring in a sports bra 1 cup size bigger than normal but ended up sending other half back to marks for next size up & normal cup size (ended up with 34C & 36B)
asda is doing basic sports bras at £4 which are realy comfy
I would also surgest you take in some loose tracky bottoms to come home in as your belly will be quite tight, I’m living in them at the moment. Dont buy new slippers unless you break them in, my feet swelled up a bit and I couldn’t get mine on.
I was told to cuddle a cushion or rolled up pillow when laying on my side as my boob felt heavy
cant think of anymore I hope this helps


Thanks Jackie

Have now been to Asda to stock up - just wish time would fly, starting to get the jitters. Did you have the stomach girdle thing??

Thanks again for the tips.
Anne x

Hi Anne

I had my DIEP operation on the 18th Jan and now 9 weeks on the result is spectacular. After the operation I woke up wearing a frumpy ‘surgical bra’ which was mine to take home…gee thanks. Now it is a redundant piece of clothing, as lacey bras have replaced it…hooray for Plastic Surgeons!

I was given a girdle to wear and it was no bother at all. In fact it gave me a great deal of support and held me all together in the early weeks. I still wear it sometimes, particularly towards the end of the day when the old stomach ‘scar’ feels a bit tender.

One thing that freaked me out was that my new boob did swell quite a lot to start off with and it took a few weeks to settle down.

Good luck with the op.

Hiya twinny2

Thanks for the reply - how long did you take to recover?
Did you need someone at home with you after hospital, when could you drive again - questions, questions, sorry.

Anne x

Hi Anne

I would say you definitely need someone to fetch and carry for you, as moving around is quite an effort and you’ll need to rest. I was discharged 5 days after the operation and hubby took time off work to stay with me for a further 3 days. After that I was independent during the day, but planned my days so I didn’t have to lift or stretch for anything. I would describe the first week as uncomfortable, during the second week I felt sore, but mobility increased well and by the end of the week I was walking slowly to the local shops for a paper. Weeks 3-4 were quite frustrating as improvement was slow, although I wasn’t taking pain killers I felt quite tender around the tummy area. I felt comfortable to drive at the end of week 4, but only short journeys at first. I would suggest you get plenty of books, DVD’s and magazines and just snuggle up and rest as much as you can.

If you have any other questions ask away…

I have posted this for new user Sarah
Jo, Facilitator

Thanks everyone - my diep is booked for 23 April and everyone around me has gone into freefall. Friends offering their concerns; my daughter thinking I am going to die and my husband trying to hold my hand all the time!!! All your comments were positive and supportive so I am pressing ahead and wishing the day would arrive sooner rather than later!!

Can’t thank you enough -


Welcome Sarah

All the very best for the 23rd, mine’s on the 18th so we will be able join each other on here when recovering!!


All the best for your operations Sarah and Anne. Please, do report back on how you get on. I’m now 12 weeks in from my delayed DIEP and I do truly love having my cleavage back. In a bra you simply wouldn’t know I’d had Plastic surgery and my friends are all amazed at the result(and jealous of my flat stomach…tee hee). I’m sooooo pleased I had the op, it was the right choice for me. (I’m a D cup by the way).

Top tip - if you take in pyjamas that do up the front it makes examinations easier!

Take it easy.


Thanks twinny2 - pj’s at the ready!

Tomorrow have got Doppler (spelling??) scan, is this like having ultrasound. Understand its to see the state of my stomach veins, fingers crossed all ok.

Best wishes everybody.

Hi there…I was told yesterday that I needed a mastectomy and I could have immediate reconstruction. An appointment was made to see the surgeon in the afternoon. I came away with info overload, and am now trying to make a decision whether to have recon or just mastectomy. If I have recon it will be the DIEP, surgeon sounded very animated at the thought of doing that one. I have looked up a web site about this op and am in the process of understanding all the ramifications of it…pros and cons. Did anyone have any problems after the op and how long was their op. sorry but my mind is full of questions, and this thread seemed the most appropriate one to ask them.

Hi Nell

Was talking to my plastic surgeon this week and he was telling me that so many mastectomies are now done with recon at the same time. I was not that lucky, bc rather large and I think they thought it had probably already spread so was not allowed to have both together.

There are pros and cons for both, depending on your further treatment, the op combining both will obviously be longer, but then its done and over with in one go.

Talk it over with your breast surgeon, the plastic surgeon, women who have had the same op by the same consultant, your bc nurse, and your onc. Don’t rush, be sure in your mind what you want.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Thanks for the information Anne. I have made up my mind to have the DIEP done…so just waiting now for my bcn to ring and let me know a date! They told me it would have to be within the next month…but I’m still getting over the 2nd op (further excision of WLE). So 2 weeks from now would probably be better. It’s all a waiting game isn’t it?
Helen x

Had my pre-op today - different!!

Haven’t had these MRSA swabs before, wondered where she was going next with her little sticks lol. Blood tests done, even after all the chemo, seeing those needles still makes me cringe, another ECG, telling me I’m overweight (again), just tooo short for my weight me thinks. Then the graphics of what happens after the op - too much information: 2 days in HDU, no sleep for two days cos they have to check the boob every ten minutes, catheters, bed pans etc etc - nearly did a runner, but sooooo want to ditch the prothesis so will be a good girl and turn up for my blood thinning injection the night before the op.

Fingers crossed all results are ok, looking forward to having a cleavage for my daughters wedding in August!!

Anne x

Hi Anne
I’ve just been told that my op is on the 20th April, and I have to go in on the 19th a Sunday, to get bits and bobs done.
I remember the MRSA thingy, thankfully they say it lasts for 3mths, so shouldn’t need one this time round.
So Good luck Anne with your op, hope all goes well.
