Diep flap surgery

Hi there! Had lumpectomy a month ago, no problem, but now am facing double mx and immediate recon as I am very high risk family history. My surgeon is on annual leave and only does lat flap or implants. Don’t want either of those so am researching for a good surgeon who does DIEP flap in the London/Surrey area. Also could do with advice on recovery and length of hospital stay and how sore I’m going to be and when I can drive again. Want to be forewarned. DIEP flap appeals as I need to retain all strenght in upper body for work purposes and I have an abundant spare tyre (shame to waste it) and plentiful bottom if GAP is suggested, despite having lost 2 stone before Christmas! I knew there was a reason for not losing it all! Also advice on what clothes/underwear to take into hospital.Anyone???

Hi Nickynackynoo

I had Tram flap recon 6 weeks ago, its similar to Diep but muscle is used so recovery is longer. The op was 9 hours.

The first few days I couldn’t get out of bed, I had a cafeter and was attached to a morphine pump. I also had a bearhugger on me to keep the breast warm. The surgeons check the breast regularly so you wont sleep much!

Part of my tummy was very painful and when I was able to get out of bed, I found it difficult due to the pain - though everyone is different re pain.

I was mostly in there own gowns due to having 3 drains, once they took drains out I put my own pj’s on.

I was in hospital for 8 days, I was very weak when I came home. You have to take it easy and you wont be able to do much. I was told no heavy lifting for 3 months, though I suppose that could vary from person to person.

6 weeks on, I am still bruised, and part numb. I still get tired though not as much. I have a long scar on my tummy and a scar where my areola was taken away and have extra skin in its place.

You have to listen to your body and try not to do too much. I hope this helps you, if have anymore questions, please feel free to ask.


Thank you so much Aqua for replying, I’m trying to get as much info as poss so that I can make a few plans and be realistic about how long it’ll take to get back to normal as life still goes on, kids need to get to school, supper on table etc. Also work and, dare I think of summer holiday? Phew! You’ve been a great help, thanks, keep well and recover well xxx

Hi, I had mx and immediate DIEP recon in March 2008, followed by 7 months chemo and then a month of rads. Went back to work in Jan 2009 but my job is very physical and in a grubby environment, I could probably have gone back sooner if I’d worked elsewhere.

The operation was 11 hours and I was in hospital 11 days, had to stay in until the wounds stopped draining. My kids are old enough to cope, the youngest had GCSEs but the others drive and kept the house running with support from my ex.

The worst part was constipation and terrible piles as a result of that. I slept on my back for weeks as rolling onto my side was really difficult for my tummy to manage, and the breast felt uncomfortable whichever side I lay. Advice differs but I was told to wear a level four, high impact sports bra plus strong support briefs day and night for three months at least. My daughter brought them into hospital so the breast nurse could check the fit before I went home. I just wore hospital gowns the whole time because of the drains, and flip-flops to walk about as they gripped better than my slippers. My surgeon didn’t fit a belly band after the op (like a wide support belt) but some do. I didn’t drive for five weeks, found vacuuming quite a struggle, and couldn’t lift heavy items (eg a bucket of water) for quite a while. I got some cording in my arm and had physio to sort that out, I was also given Pilates-style exercises to do at home to strengthen my core muscles. I was reasonably fit before the operation, which helped, but then put on a lot of weight during chemo, which didn’t help at all!

Now I’m still pleased with my flat tummy but I haven’t yet had the dog-ears tidied up from the ends of the abdominal scar, nor a nipple reconstruction. The recon breast is slightly wider and firmer than the other one, and has a small dented/lumpy area, but I’m so glad I had this recon and not an implant. It’s numb, as is the panel across the middle of my abdomen, but that’s not a problem.

I hope all goes well, keep us posted and do ask if there’s anything else. xxx

Hi Palomino98,
Thanks for your input, it all helps. Am also worried about piles and not pooing so I’m eating industrial strength linseeds to keep things moving in the run up to the op.Am also working on core exercises and hoola hooping in the hope that I have a speedier recovery. My job is very physical which is why I don’t want a lat flap or TRAM flap. I hope its a reasonable trade-off. I’m hoping that my treatment finishes with the op. My lump was caught very early thanks to yearly mammograms as I have a high incidence in my family and the surgeon is reluctant to give me radio, preferring to save it for a time when I might need it more. This is preventative and therefore has to be both sides.
Thanks again for your help