Have waited 1 year for reconstruction and am booked in for 12th Sept…am soo excited but am also soo terrified!!!
Does anyone have any adivce regarding what to take to hospital…what to expect or any advice on experiences they have, ie. the recovery period etc…any advice at all would be gratefully received!
Hi Maureen, I had tram flap at the end of june this year and am really pleased with how everything has gone. I spoke with my physio before my op and she showed me how to get in and out of bed etc which seemed so simple pre op but not so easy post op but was pleased that she had done this with me when I saw other patients struggling. I took books with me to read but it all depends on how long you will be in for and what you like to do. You do have to take things easy which is quite frustrating but I was back driving 6 weeks after the op. Good luck with everything.
Sharon xxx
Great news after that wait!.Im the same as Sharon and had a TRAM on 29th June and it all went very well. I agree that getting mobile is the biggest hurdle so getting the booklet from the Physio will help.
My best tips would be:
-Cotton button up nighties, tho youlll be wraring their gowns for first few days if you have a cathether.
-My Kindle-fabby as its so light to use
-Nice body wipes to freshen up until you can shower.
-Dry shampoo
-Big knickers with a bit of support
-Firm wirefree bra
-Tracksuit was great as comfy after first few days
Im sure there are more tips out there, so others will be along to help
Its certainly the best decision I took and the 16 month wait was well worth it.
You def need to remember to take lots of rest and dont lift, vaccum etc for at least six weeks
I had the diep flap reconstruction in April 2008 and it was the best thing ever! My plastic surgeon was absolutely brilliant, I was so thrilled with the results. Op took 8 hours and I was on the HD unit for 2 days, and home 5 days later. I was off all pain relief 2 days later and was back at work 7 weeks later. From the word go the reconstruction was looking good, no bruising, no real pain at all etc. I had my nipple recon a year ago, and again, am so pleased with the results. Haven’t had it tattooed yet though will soon. Psychologically it was very important for me to have this operation. Some of my friends thought I was rushing into it, but I knew it was the best thing for me, and once they’d seen the results and also saw how happy I was, they realised I had done the right thing. I know it’s not for everyone, especially when you go through so much other `stuff’, but it was absolutely the right decision for me and would recommend it to anyone. When I was on the HD unit recovering, one of the nurses said to my surgeon that she thought my recon was the best he’d ever done, and he agreed with her, so that was good to hear…
I had my diep in mid-July and it all went very well. I hadn’t expected to be swollen afterwards but apparently that’s normal (and has gone down).
My iphone/ipad was a lifesaver (well, not literally…) - I usually love reading but found it hard to concentrate - I was in hospital for a week but things like twitter were great distractions. An eyemask and earplugs were really good (I’m a light sleeper normally) and I’d agree on the dry shampoo front. I was told to wear control underwear (Spanx) (and a non-underwired bra) for about six weeks afterwards. One of those triangular pillows worked well when I got home - you can’t lie flat for a while and it kept me at the right angle when I was asleep.
Oh yes, I found a chapstick useful because my lips got very dry (they keep you really warm for the first few days to help the flap bond) and one of those bra extension things helped me deal with the swelling. The first night I was checked every hour and had something called a bear hugger to keep the flap warm but I was pleased that there was such good surveillance.
It is a big operation (I had my good side reduced and lifted to match as well) and am only now feeling normal again but I am really pleased to have done it.
Good luck (and don’t try to do too much too soon after the operation)
Yes, it was all one surgery… the diep flap replaced an implant and I also had the other side reduced and lifted to match - I think it was about a six hour surgery. Is that what you’re planning to have? I did need help from the nurses for the first few days - getting in and out of bed was a challenge but I soon learned techniques that didn’t put stress on the incisions.
No mine is a delayed Diep (had mast in Dec 2008) - which I think is a bit different - PS reckons about a 10 to 12 hour op - yikes !!
My PS said he would do the reducton/uplift to the good side after the swelling has reduced from the Diep procedure - just hope they don’t leave me lopsided for too long - mind you I should be used to that by now
Thanku again and hope you’re pleased with the results.
I had my TRAM flap reconstruction done on 30th June, and I’d agree with everything on Cathie’s list. Plus tissues and I wish I’d had a can of spray on water for my face as it gets very hot under the bear hugger and wearing the tight corset made it worse. Drink plenty of water too.
I am very pleased with the results and glad I went ahead. I’m feeling almost back to normal now and can do most things, been driving for a couple of weeks now.
I will have an uplift, on the good side, and a nipple made but not till next year. I look ok in my bra, it’s just when I take the bra off my recon stays pert but my real boob droops down.
Hi Mobil,
I’m booked in for a delayed Diep Flap Reconstruction the day after you on Tuesday 13th September. I’m also quite excited but terrified!
Thanks for asking the question that I wanted to ask and thanks also to everyones advice!
Good luck with the op!
Paula xx
I am due to have a mastectomey and immediate DIEP free flap on 5th September, it will prob take around 8-10 hours I’ve been told. Won’t be able to give much advice to et and mobil as don’t think I’ll be on the laptop much before then!! However useful tips on this post about what to take with you. Just had an ereader for my birthday (prob will be in hospital for it so hubby gave it me already) so that will be very useful: ).
Can anyone recommend a good support/sport bra - I’ve had a look around and not many seem to be in my size(42B). Any advice would be welcome as I haven’t got much time now to get one!!