Feeling pretty miserable, can’t cry cos on antidepressants and everyone thinks I’m fine. DIEP due this morning, all wrapped up in HOT bed awaiting surgery and TEN minutes before I was due in they cancelled. Understandably cos there had been an explosion somewhere and they needed the PS but I had so psyched myself up. And yesterday they named every risk going so was wondering if I was doing right thing anyway…
Hi Stacey,
Sorry to hear about this setback. I know how it saps energy getting psyched up for these tests and treatments and now you have to do it all again. Have they given you another date? There’s loads of positive feedback on DIEP and other recons in the forums - I’m sure it will be a good outcome for you when it’s done. I’m trying to decide on type of recon at the moment.
Hope you can put it out of your mind and relax over the weekend.
Best Wishes
oh hun that must have been horrible for you, my 1st diep date was cancelled last minute but i had not gotten as far as being admitted.
Everything happens for a reason i’m told, so please try to relax till you get your op.
Do you know how long you have to wait?
i had my diep at the end september last year,and i am very pleased with it.
Just heard today that it’s now Friday! Apparently they’ve done some moving around to get me a slot.
I am hoping that like you I’ll be pleased with the result although I have to say that with all the risks that they told me about on the evening I was admitted I am still a mite worried.
I guess you just have to hope the flap failure or the punctured lung won’t happen to you.
Thanks both for your replies.
Hi Stacey
Hope you read this before tomorrow. Just to wish you good luck. I’m still really pleased I had it done, even though I still have a fluid filled swelling(see your other posting). Take things very easy and if you can do as little as possible after when you’re home.
Look forward to hearing how you get on.
Take care lots of love
fantan xx
Hi Stacey,
I had my DIEP a year ago and really feel for you - the night before is the worst bit in my opinion. One year on, my reconstructed boob is beautiful, even though I say so myself! Will be thinking of you tonight - I can remember it as if it was yesterday - at least the weather has cooled off - I HATED that hot room!! I had absolutely no complications, so try not to worry.
Lots of best wishes to you,
Sally xx