DIEP or Back Flap

Hi everyone my first post so be gentle, I was diagnoised 11 years ago  at the age of 29 with Breast Cancer and had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of Radio, all went well and didnt look back.Went back for a routine mammagram last week and a new lump was found in the same breast, so I am now having a mastectomy and have been told my options for immediate reconstruction are DIEP or Back Flap any advice on either would be most appreciated.I know the DIEP is a bigger op and I would have to travel about a hour away, where as I could have Back Flap done at the local hospital and it would be so much easier, with my two children visiting etc  but the draw of a flat stomach (which I have never had) is calling and I think is starting to take over the reason I am actually having surgery, my other half said yesterday it sounded like I was quite looking forward to itMy thoughts are if I have to have it done I might as well get a flat stomach out of it, anyone else felt like this or is it me being really shallow.

Hello Lovetoshop

I am opting for the LD flap, although the plastic surgeon really did want to do a DIEP as I have very little fat indeed on my back. I have not got a large stomach at all - I am a lean size 12 to give you some idea - and the little rounded shape of the small amount of fat between the navel and the pubic bone I quite like. The sort of man I go for prefers a curvy woman to a “Kate Moss” in any event, so that suits me well. In addition, I do not want to have a hipbone to hipbone scar which I will see everytime I go to yoga and my top rides up. At least with a scar on my back it will be hidden by my bra, or if it is visible to others, at least I won’t be able to see it! I would also be a little concerned about the area of fat above the navel - where would that go? Would it “overhang”? May be dome ladies who have had a DIEP will be able to advise you on this one.

The LD flap is also a much shorter operation than a DIEP, although of course afterwards I will have to work very hard with exercises to regain proper movement, but you would probably have to do those with a DIEP anyway.

Hope this helps
Bubs X

Hi Bubs

Thanks for replying, I think I am proberbly opposite to you shape wise, have always been a size 16/18 and since I have had kids quite a large droopey stomach, the scar thing I dont think would bother me as havent worn a bikini since I was about 15 and was a lot slimmer and since I have a large tum have always wore my tops long to disguise it.

I was wondering as well about the bit between boobs and bellybutton perhaps someone else could answer.

My OH prefers a curvy girl as well (hasnt got much choice really) and anyway who wants to look like Kate Moss LOL



Hi Lovetoshop,

I had my DIEP nearly 3 weeks ago and everything has been really great. The tummy tuck is fantastic and actually my tummy is not completely flat - it is a little round with flattish sides - very cute and makes me feel younger! The midriff area was also a puzzle to me before the op but I am pleased to report that this has become very flat as well as that area is pulled down so that the abdomen can be sewn across. The scarring is hipbone to hipbone but very low down - it would not show even with hipsters. I have found it much less unsightly than I thought. The tummy area feels very tight - like wearing a tight pair of trousers. My new boob is fantastic - very natural and with no loss of any muscle.

If you have the stomach - I would highly recommend it!


Hi Winne

It sounds really good, I think I have already decided really, just need that extra nudge in the right direction. I will be seeing the specialist for the Diep next week I hope so I can discuss it with him then, I hope he thinks I am a suitable candidate.

What was your post op recovery like, how many days were you in and how long till you were up out of bed, I have had a lumpectomy and glands removed before and although painfull when I woke up was pretty manageble and was home in 4 or 5 days although did the hospital walk for a couple of weeks LOL

Not having the op until Jan as already booked a xmas holiday to Florida and didnt want to let the kids down, so if i go down this route I could indulge in the land of fried food and not feel too guilty.
