From my DCIS diagnosis I have just had a tissue expander in following a single mastectomy ( including my nipple ) I am due to have additional surgery in 3 months to have a DIEP reconstruction with alterations on my other breast and reconstruction of a nipple. This however depends on my pathology reports next week and a genetic test as I may need a mastectomy on my other side, then implants which I’m so nervous about.
Can anyone share any support on their DIEP surgery or implants in a similar situation? I know it’s a big op but I’m only 40 and quite fit and healthy so hoping I can bounce back! I am just so anxious about no knowing which choice I have , if any!
Thanks in advance xx
Totally understand how you are feeling as it’s such a hard and big decision to make.
I too had DCIS back in Oct 2022. I had immediate reconstruction with the DIEP flap surgery. No tissue expansion required.
I can not comment on implants, but chose to have the DIEP flap as I wanted to use my own body fat and try and avoid future surgery (as implants may/will need to be replaced in the future).
I have very positive experience on my surgery. Even though it’s a very big operation and time required after the op to recover. It was never as bad as I imagined. Like you I was pretty fit (52 when I had my operation), I was also very determined and positive too, which I think made a big difference (but don’t over do it though!).
I spent 4 days in hospital (but could have come out after 3 days). It is a slower recovery than implants, but the end result is more realistic to breast tissue and the match to my other breast is amazing (less a nipple though).
The whole experience is very scary, so fully understand your anxiety. Ask your team as many questions as you need, also ask them for photos too as this can help with your decisions.
Check out photos too as you can have immediate DIEP flap surgery or delayed DIEP flap surgery - slightly different look if you’ve had surgery from being flat.
Hope this helps? All the very best and remember, whatever you decide will be the right decision.
I’m 47 and had my diep last week. Not going to lie…i was blasé about it and was not prepared for how difficult it was, but I’m 5 days on and despite a lot of discomfort, i can already see the progress my body has made. For me the difficulty comes in frustration at needing help as i hate feeling like i can’t do things. But it wont last long. And even at this early stage, my boobs look good and my tummy is flatter. Whatever you decide, its great to get your research done. Pros and cons for every option. A diep does gove you a warm, realistic breast that can grow or shrink with weight change. It also can be tweeked to match other breast and is less likely to be damaged by radiotherapy. There can be complications and it’s a slower recovery. Best wishes for your next stage of treatment x
Hi dawnado
Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts.
It sounds like a very positive surgery for you and I’m so pleased for you. It is very scary as there is a lot of surgery involved.
I would much prefer to use my body fat also as I’m not keen on having implants in my body and like you dont wish for future surgery with the implants. But it may be the only option I have after I get all my results. I feel ok and getting on with post op and can deal with the surgery but I hate the fact that my choices may be taken away, That’s what upsets me the most! But what keeps me positive is that my mum got through it , so can I! And my 5 year old is healthy and happy and it’s me going through this and not my child with anything.
How are you now after the surgery and with everyday things? Are you pleased with the results now? Do you feel natural? I don’t feel like me at the moment with this expander in and trying to stay focused on this is the in between stage!
Wishing you well wishes and well done for all you have gone through
Hi bluesatsuma!
Thank you for your reply and honesty! I am also nervous too about how I will be after as I hate sitting around and having to rely on other people! Esp with a 5 year old! School runs to contend with!
I’m so happy to hear the progress already you have made and how more natural it is for you. That’s what I want. I feel I’m still young enough to heal and recover well, a longer recovery but beneficial longer term. If I have DIEP flap reconstruction I am having my other breast tweaked and a nipple reconstructed. Did you have this also? The consulatant is hoping to use my other nipple and stomach tissue to create one, has anyone had this experience? Not sure how this will work
You keep rested up and your body will do the healing work! You will be bouncing back in no time! Well done on your journey so far! It’s a scary one but we are tough stuff xx
I didnt have a nipple done on reconstruction side, but will do later on. They did adjust the other side to match though. Its great that your mum has been through it and can support and advise you. You’re going to need to prepare your 5 year old…my 10 year cries everytime i wince, cry or groan. He is scared of me being in pain. Also, have games and activities you can fo from sofa, chair or bed. I’ve played chess, card games and done drawing with my youngest. It helped him see that I’m still me even if i am less mobile.
Hi bluesatsuma
How did the reconstruction go on the other side also? I’m nervous how this will work.
Oh your son sounds so thoughtful! Bless him getting upset. It’s so hard for them to understand. But my boy is aware of some things and deals with it all exceptionally well. He knows to be carful and I can’t do as much, but he is such a mummy’s boy and always wants me! Since Christmas we have had lots of board games and Uno…… I’m all uno’d out so with these and crafts I’ll try keep busy that way.
How is your stomach feeling post op? Is it difficult to get around?
Take it easy
Both boobs look ok, though i have seroma on recontructed side. My tummy is improving every day and I’m day 8 now. I’ve been managing short walks and very light housework like folding clothes and dusting. I also have a seroma on tummy wound which is very large. They might aspirate it on friday. No pain though really. X
I am 2 years post operation (immediate DIEP flap surgery).
I am really pleased with the outcome and feels very natural, apart from a small lump which I believe is the fat hardened a little. Which can sometimes happen, but doesn’t worry me at all.
It looks a little strange as I don’t have a nipple but I’m used to it now and doesn’t worry me. I am planning to get a picture tattoo at some point (or could opt for a 3d nipple tattoo)
All the very best xx
It’s very reassuring to hear everyone’s experiences. I have a bone scan Monday and, if all ok, next stage will be surgery. It’s looking like DIEP……it’s all a lot of information, I can’t have an implant apparently as I had radiotherapy 23 years ago (unrelated cancer).
If anyone has tips on how to prepare for surgery/what to take? Also, I was on HRT but have stopped as mine is oestrogen and prog. positive - can anyone recommend any websites or platforms that offer info on what I can safely take for menopausal symptoms. Sorry so many questions - just feeling rather overwhelmed! Thank you.