Diep Reconstruction recovery


I had free flap Diep reconstruction at same time as mastectomy on 18th September 07. Reading other peoples comments it appears that everyone has been advised to wear corsets. My ps advised to wear corset for two weeks only and after that only if I felt I needed support, I am now concerned this may be bad advice, anyone else been given this advice. Tummy is still swollen, firm and numb in places, any advice on recovery timescale would be useful.

Also I am still extremely swollen and numb under arm (I lost 14 lymph nodes) and the boob area. PS has advised swelling is normal, anyone else swollen and bruised four weeks later, particularly in evenings. Other than swelling and bruising I feel fine and am able to continue most light activities, ie. walking and yoga.

Would welcome any advice as I cannot find anyone who has had same operation.

Hi Lindles

Welcome to the forums, whilst you await replies from your fellow forum users you may wish to contact our helpline for further advice. The helpliners are either specialist nurses or people who have had personal experience of breast cancer and are able to talk to you and offer you support, information and a ‘listening ear’.

The number is 0808 800 6000 and is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care

Hello Lindles,

Can’t help with the DIEP question as I’m still on the waiting list.

I had lymph nodes removed but the swelling went down after a few days. I suspect it’s related more to your reconstruction. But - 18 months on - I’m still numb under that arm. Apparently this can be permanent, but to be honest it’s not really a problem to live with once you’re used to it.

Posted on behalf of new user Siobhan

Breast Cancer Care


I had mastectomy with free flap Diep in July 06. I still have strange feelings/sensations in my tummy area but this has improved dramatically from how it felt during the first 6 months or so. I also did gentle yoga and swimming very soon after the operation and think this really did help my recovery and helped my tummy area to stretch into its new space. Often I felt very uncomfortable but knew if I swam some lengths in the pool I would feel better and this really did work. Yoga also was great to get the tummy stretched again. I did not wear support pants for longer than two weeks - whether this was the right decision or not I cant say but it does not seem to have had an ill affects in my case.

Sorry cant comment on Lymph nodes I escaped with only 6 being removed for testing and fortunately no spread - my arm aches occasionally but really not a problem when compared to what other people experience/



Thanks for you comments, very helpful and reassuring. I have started yoga and stretch exercise, though had to stop because some tissue died in boob, once this has started healing again I can start. My lymph nodes were clear so I feel very lucky. Hope my tum stretches into new place too. My belly button looks off centre but my hubby reckons this is because on side of tum is slightly more swollen, hope he is right. Early days for me yet!

Thanks agains
