DIEP reconstruction - sore back

Hi ladies

I am 7 days post-op, had mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction. Feeling very fortunate in that my tummy and breast are feeling great, not too much pain, but my back is killing me! I can’t stand at the sink to wash my face or brush my teeth it’s too sore, I need to constantly hang onto things to take the weight off the small of my back. Just wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

The doc did xrays whilst i was in hospital to rule out anything sinister and i think it may be muscular - probably due to the 11 hour op and few days stuck in bed! The hospital gave me co-codamol and diclofenac to take home for pain - wondered if it was worth a trip to my GP to see if i could get anything specific for back pain?

Thanks girls, Lynne :smiley:

i’m 5 weeks post diep op, i had the same problem in fact i had a big bruise on the small of my back after the op. I could walk and stand it just ached really,over the weeks it has improved i find the days when I’ve done alot it still aches.Physio has suggested that it is to do with posture since the op although i’m very upright i know that i hold my self tense. I hope this improves with time for you,just out of interest where did you have your op?

Hi Terri

Right enough one of the nurses said it could be to do with my posture - I’m the same as you in that I feel like I’m standing very straight and not hunched over, but am probably standing and walking differently due to the tummy scar.
I had my op at Ninewells in Dundee - the staff there were amazing, can’t praise them enough :smiley: Will get my follow-up appointments and chemo etc at Perth Royal Infirmary as that’s where my treatment started. The specialist nurses there are fab! I was only diagnosed at the end of January and have had a lumpectomy with full node clearance and now the mastectomy and reconstruction. Seems to me like I have been very lucky in not having to wait long for treatment :smiley:
How about you? Lynne

hi Lynne
I was dx at the end of Jan following routine mamo with widespread DCIS had my mx and recon on the 3/3 at Whiston (near Liverpool)on the 4/3 they discovered a hematoma and back to theatre for me giving 15 hours in total. Unfortunately path results showed invasive as well,clear nodes though, so now waiting for chemo to be sorted this will be at Chester which is where i live.
Due to two lots of surgery i’m still very swollen and bruised things are improving but not very quickly.
I’ve been to Ninewells hospital a niece had a lot of her Kidney opps there.
Good luch with your chemo i just want to get it over and done with.


Hi Girls
DON’T PANIC!!! I’m 12 wks post DIEP. I know exactly how you’re feeling. Banana-ing with standing/walking and back pain just above waist level. Can only lie on your back with pillows under the knees in bed at night. Can barely twist to reach the loo paper! Easier to stand with knees bent. Hard to sit up the table for the duration of the meal.
I’m also an osteopath so have the benefit of working it all out.
It’s all because of the tummy tuck. With any abdominal surgery you banana. I also had my rectus muscles (6-pack) sewed up as there was a split down the middle due to very large babies!. Your spine therefore has to cope with this and the muscles try to pull you upright against gravity. They fatigue and thats why you get pain.
Each week you can do more with it hurting less.From about 8 weeks post op it really isn’t an issue. Nowadays I get a bit of tummy tightening, a bit like Braxton Hicks contractions of pregnancy.
Remember to keep trying to straighten up, but relax shoulders and imagine your shoulder-blades sliding down towards your waist. I walked myself back to fitness by trying to walk a bit further each day. I can now lie on my side or tummy in bed and the loo paper is much easier to get hold of. At 10 wks I went to New York and walked non-stop for 5 days. Sadly you do regain the ability to do the ironing and hoovering!
Good luck in your recovery
Nicky x
PS PM me if you like!

Hi Lynne

As well as getting more help from your GP, you could try a wheat bag. You heat them in the microwave for a minute or so and if you put it on your back it may help sooth the back pain when you are trying to rest. They are not expensive and at least they are drug free.

To save having to lean over the sink to wash your face, get a pack of face wipes. They will do just as well for a while. (I had LD flap recon).

You probably don’t feel much like going out for a walk yet, but try to wander round the house as much as you can. Even when in hospital I would frequently go on walkabout round the ward corridors.

When I first came out of hospital I also slept with a pillow under my knees (still do as I find it comfy) and I also had a pillow which I could put under one side so I could lie at a bit of an angle - makes a change from being flat on your back.


Thanks ladies :smiley:

I am getting on great now! Can sleep on my side at night which is bliss :smiley: Have been doing more each day and now feel more or less back to normal, am only 2 weeks post-op so am expecting a slump at some point soon ;D

Saw surgeon today for a follow-up and they are really happy with the results (as am I) :smiley:

Just got chemo to face now…EEEK!! Will be starting in 2-3 weeks. Positive way to look at it is that i should be finished by christmas and may have grown a wee pixie-crop-hairstyle by then!!


Hi Everyone
This post was very useful for me as I have been given a date for diep on 23rd June and am really worried about pain and recovery. It is now 2 years since my Mx and recontruction with implant. Given the nature of diep operation it has taken me awful lot of time to decide to go for it. Another factor has been that I have developed joint stiffness and pain since I have been on tamoxifen. I have taken 8 weeks sick leave from work but wondering if that will be enough. I am still very worried about pain and recovery and just wish I didn’t need this operation!

Hi Ruhi

All I can say is that I’m very glad I had it done. The result is fantastic. I’d say the first 2 days after the op were pretty grim, being confined to bed was difficult. However every day got easier and here I am 5 weeks later and back to normal :smiley:

Your joint stiffness and pain may flare up with days of bed rest though the nurses can give you really good ibruprofen to help. I suffered with backache from all the lying down!

I think the trick is small steps … a wee bit more each day without pushing yourself too hard. I am on my first chemo now, so the surgery part seems like a lifetime ago! I hope you have as good an experience in hospital as I did, I was very pleasantly surprised by the care I received :smiley: Lynne

Hi Ladies,

My diep has been rescheduled on 4th July. Just cant help being worried about complications like pain, fat necrosis, dreadful rejection of graft, banana walk and back ache, prolonged recovery etc. Last 3/4 months have been extremely busy at work trying to tidy things up for the time off that I will need. I have my pre-assessment on monday 20th june and in addition will see the specialist PS nurse as well. I am making a list of things that I will need to take to hospital as my husband is joining a new job on 20th June and has no time off to bring things for me.
Is there any particular things to be taken in addition to support bra, pants etc?

Hi Lynne
Thanks for your earlier post. I had my diep on Monday 4th July. It is day 6 today and everything has gone very well. The last drain is out now and I am going home today. Walking etc has improved a lot, initial backache has settled down with mobilisation and infra-red heat massage. Tummy is still a bit tight but lot better. Luckily and surprisingly, my joint pains did not bother me at all. It took some courage to decide about diep but it was totally worth it.
Best wishes.

Hi, thank you for your comments, I am so scared as I guess are a lot of women in my position. I can’t wait to get it over, dune and dusted so that I can get back to normal. Am a bit worried about recovery but you sound like yours was a walk in the park! Good luck and thanks again for sharing your experience.

Hi all
I am 5 weeks post op mx and diep and very pleased with reconstruction
I too had the terrible back ache but only for the first 2 weeks and not all the time it just suddenly would appear and yes when was in the teeth cleaning position or going for my small walks
However it has now completely gone I had no pain at all from surgery even though I was on the table for 10-11hours just a sore back of the head and sore throat that lasted 3-4days but was a small price to pay to come back to the ward complete and not thinking about having to go back to surgery as was the case with some of the dear friends I made whilst in hospital
We are all different but I hope you are feeling better very soon

Hi everyone
I am day 17 post diep now and recovering well. There is still some swelling, stiffness and numbness in my abdomen but getting better. I am doing the abdo exercises that physiotherapist suggested and also started some of my own yoga. Walking more now. Tiredness is better but still need to rest a lot. Scars are healing well and I have been advised to do frequent massage over the scar areas and abdomen.
Poonam, hope your op has gone well. Let us know how you are doing.
Best wishes.