Hi everyone
I was diagnosed with dcis breast cancer on the 24/07/07. I had my mastectomy 6 days later on 30th, it was all so fast.
I thought thats it, they’ve had their pound ( or two ) of flesh and its gone.
But oh no ’ Big C ’ decided to have a little holiday in my lymph nods, not B&B but C&R - chemo and radiotherapy - thats what I have to look forward to.
Does anyone have any tips for me with regards to diet, complimentary treatments or anything that will help me through this time.
Booked the hairdresser for a shorter look. I dont know what will be worse - not being able to dye my hair or losing it. Maybe I’ll be lucky and keep it and introduce grey streaks as the new blonde!
I have 3 wonderful children that I call my Pebbles, because my husband is my Rock and a great group of friends and family that are marvellous and have kept me going through this ‘beep beep’ time .
I’m trying to keep hold of my silly sence of humour, but a good cry works wonders sometimes 
Take care love and poisitive thoughts to you all
Hi Julie,
I’ve literally just responded with some ‘top tips’ on your other thread,
Hi Julie,
Have you noticed how many Julies there are on this site? I’d be Julie58 if I’d used my year of birth, but I’m Julie49 instead.
Anyway in answer to your question - the only thing I’ve really changed about my diet since I’ve been on chemo is that I’ve cut out alcohol. Some research was published just after I started all this which suggested that, in mice at least (poor mice), alcohol contributed to the growth of existing tumours (as opposed to previous research which implicated alcohol in the development of cancer initially.) The BBC covered the story, as did a lot of the national papers…
I don’t know whether it has made a difference but it didn’t seem much of a sacrifice to make and if there was a chance of stopping the spread of the disease it seemed reasonable to try. I suppose the research seems credible to me because these scientists aren’t just trying to sell another drug and they seemed to believe in the validity of their results.
I’ve had my chemo before my op (which will probably be in September) and it looks like it’s been a success. I’ll know for sure after the MRI, but the tumour seems to have shrunk by at least two thirds. Probably nothing to do with stopping drinking but it can’t have done any harm.
Thanks Julie49 yes there are a few Julies about in this club and I was born in July birth sign? You’ve guessed it Cancer!
Oh no I have to give up my glass of wine 
It will be worth it Will check out the web site.
Good luck
with your op keep us all posted
Love and positive toughts to you from me. XXX