Digestive Enzyme and Probiotic Supplements

Does anyone know if it is ok to take Digestive Enzyme and Probiotic Supplements during chemo? I have had digestive problems quite recently and take them each day. I suspect the Digestive Enzymes will be ok but, on the pack for the Probiotics, it states that they shouldn’t be taken by those with a suppressed immune system, presumably in case they take over! However, it seems to me that this is the very time that we will need a top up.

Any experience of this?

Ann x

Hi Ann,
I was told specifically not to take Probiotics by my Onc. He told me to avoid all supplements, but said I could take any natural foods - ie Manuka Honey was ok,


Sue x

Did he say why, Sue? I gave my onc a list of what I take and he didn’t object to any of it - unless, he didn’t really look!

Ann x

Mine said probiotic yogurts were ok to help avoid tummy bugs

The onc said it was up to me (although she wasn’t overly keen!), so I took digestive enzymes apart from the 5 days around the chemo - 2 days before, the day, and 2 days after. I took the probiotic tablets, but not until after the dip in counts, so I took them I think on the third week of every 3 week cycle. Still here to tell the tale!! Good luck, hope your chemo goes smoothly.


Hi all,
I have been taking a variety of supps. since I became dx with SBC back in march last year I went through neo-adjuvant chemo (prior to surgery) to shrink the tumour first and took optibac probiotic for immunity Optibac Probiotics Immune Support - Most Researched (I believe this suppliment got me through chemo) daily and have been doing so ever since and during chemo, I also consume a good probiotic bio-live organic yoghurt daily and have done that since dx, my onc knows about all of the supps. I take and has ok’d all of them except for ST JOHNS WORT this he was not happy with and recently told me not to take the aspirin a day I have been taking as its thinning my blood too much. If you are interested to see what other supps I take please take a peek at my blog http://fightingthebeastwithin.blogspot.co.uk/p/supplement-list.html there are pages i have written on chemo and what I did to get through it.
Hope this helps.
sending you all love and light
sarahloiuse xx

Hi sarahLouise
I have taken lots of supplements over the years - I don’t if they’ve helped as I still have mets!! Although there is the argument that all the experts keep telling me I have a very limited time left and I keep surprising them all by turning up at appointments looking fine
I get my most of my supplements from the penny Brohn centre in Bristol they also helped me to organise my first program (I was a bit overwhelmed by all the options out there)
The nutritionalist who helped me to plan it said that during chemo I should stop taking everything 2 days before treatment and not start until the 2nd day after, so during chemo week I only took my supplements for 3 days.
I loved the penny Brohn centre, so calming and relaxing. They are really into juicing,smoothies, diet, meditation etc. I think you would enjoy aretreat there. When I went a few years ago I had to pay. It’s all free now (I think the main thing they offer is a 3 day retreat)
I know I sound like I’m their publicity agent but honestly if you ring and book a retreat for after your chemo is finished I am sure you would really love it. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I think it would be a great ‘fit’ with your approach to BC.

Hi Tillycat,
Thanks for reminding me about the penny Brohn centre in Bristol, I’m originally from bristol and have family there so will look into booking a place on one of there course, sounds briliant, sending much luv to you sarahlousie xx